​During the conflicts of the 20th Century former pupils of the George Watson's Boys' College answered their country's call in their hundreds and many made the ultimate sacrifice.

In World War I 605 died, 19.5% of those who served in the armed forces.

In World War II 202 died, 11.2% of those who served in the armed forces.

In addition, one former pupil of George Watson's Ladies' College was killed in World War I, another was killed during World War II and a pupil died in the Korean War. This Roll of Honour provides some of the facts and the faces behind the stark statistics. It also includes the six members of staff who died in World War I and another, who had taught at George Watson's Ladies' College, who died in World War II.

These biographies are not complete and there are also a number of photographs missing, together with a few records that have not yet been traced. If you have any further information we would welcome it, please contact us.

We continue to work hard to find out more about these Watsonians. Some of the photographs you will see here have been taken from newspapers and from the school magazine, The Watsonian, when they were still at school. Most of the information you will find here has been taken from A Memorial Record of Watsonians who served in the Great War (1920) and The Watsonian War Record 1939-1945 (1951). These two volumes were published to record and honour Watsonians who had served and who had died. Additionally, John Hamblin researched the Watsonians during the Second World War (1939-46) in more detail and we are pleased to share his research here too.

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Name Regiment Buried Biography

David Ferguson Mackenzie
Cameron Highlanders LE TOURET MEMORIAL The fourth son of the late J. Tolmie Mackenzie, J.P., Dunvegan, was born in 1869. He entered G.W.C. in 1883, and was in the College XV. of 1886-87. He captained the Watsonian 'A' XV. in 1891-92, and was in the Champion XV. of 1894-95. Entering law, he served his apprenticeship in Edinburgh, and in 1897 went to Inverness to become a partner in one of its leading legal firms. He was a member of the Inverness-shire Secondary Education Committee, Secy. to the Faculty of Procurators, Inverness and the Inverness Gaelic Socy., Clerk to the Heritors, and Capt. and President of the Inverness Golf Club. Joining the 4th Cameron Hrs. in 1905 as 2/Lt., he attained his Captaincy in 1914. He volunteered for active service in 1914, and fell at Festubert, May 1915.

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Eric Lofts Mackenzie
SAMC THABA TSHWANE (OLD No.1) MILITARY CEMETERY Eric L. Mackenzie, D.S.O., M.C., Colonel, South African Medical Corps, son of the late Dr. J. Mackenzie, Kimberley, attended Watson's from 1901 to 1902. He graduated M.B., Ch.B., at Edinburgh University in 1914. and was immediately commissioned in the R.A.M.C. He served in France throughout the first world war. was mentioned in dispatches, and awarded the M.C. in 1917. After hostilities ceased he returned to South Africa and was Surgeon-Consultant to the South Africa Railways at Port Elizabeth. On the outbreak of war in 1939 he joined the S.A.M.C. with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, was awarded the D.S.O. in September 1942 and promoted to the rank of Colonel and D.M.S. shortly afterwards. He met his death in a flying accident in Kenya along with General Pienaar and others in December 1942.

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George Fingal Mackenzie
M.N. TOWER HILL MEMORIAL George F. Mackenzie, Engineer Officer, Merchant Navy, son of the late Rev. G. O. Mackenzie, Parish Minister of Minto, Hawick, and Mrs. Mackenzie, 4 Hampton Terrace, Edinburgh, was born on 29th April 1920. He attended Watson's from 1933 to 1935, when he left to enter the Technical College, Hull, and Blackburn's Aircraft Works, to study aeronautical engineering. In July 1939 he joined m.v. Bonnington Court as ninth engineer for a voyage round the world. He reached Shanghai just as war broke out. On 24th February 1945 he lost his life when serving as Third Engineer on s.s. Oriskany, torpedoed off Land's End.

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Ian Fraser Mackenzie
R.A.F. RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL Ian F. Mackenzie, Flying Officer, Royal Air Force, son of Mr. James P. Mackenzie, Solicitor, Grangemouth, was born on 30th April 1911 and attended Watson's from 1921 to 1929, thereafter proceeding to Edinburgh University where he graduated M.A., LL.B. After a period in his father's office he became a partner in the firm of Messrs. Blackadder, Blane & Mackenzie, Solicitors, Falkirk. Enlisting in the R.A.F. in November 1940, he soon gained his commission, and was killed in action in a raid over Germany on 27th April 1943. He was a keen rugby player and a first-class golfer.

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John Alexander Mackenzie
Northumberland Fusiliers HAVERSKERQUE BRITISH CEMETERY Was born in 1893 in Sutherlandshire, and attended G.W.C. 1908-11. Thereafter he studied medicine at Edin. Univ., graduating M.B. Ch.B. in 1916. Trained in the Medical unit of the E.U.O.T.C., he was gazetted Lt. R.A.M.C. in Aug. 1916, and in March of the following year promoted Capt. Crossing to France in Sept. 1916, he served with the Northumbrian Fd. Amb., and as M.O. of the Northumberland Fus. till May 1917, when he was invalided home suffering from trench fever. After a period of home service, when he acted as R.M.O. at Ripon, he was again sent to France in Jan. 1918, and in the following Apr. won the M.C. He died at Etairs on Apr. 10, 1918, and is interred in Haveresque British Cemetery.

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Robert Malcolm Mackenzie Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders att Gordon Highlanders THIEPVAL MEMORIAL Born in 1889, was a son of Mrs. Mackenzie, Edin., and attended G.W.C. 1903-6. On leaving School he entered Messrs. Bertram's engineering firm as an apprentice. Enlisting in the 15th A. and S. H. as a Pte., he was killed on Oct. 15, 1916.

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Reginald Ernest Mackie
Royal Scots HELLES MEMORIAL A son of the late J. W. Mackie, Edin., was born in 1884, and having attended Viewpark, entered G.W.C. in 1896. After studying at the Heriot-Watt College and Surgeons' Hall, he joined his father's firm in Princes St., and had before him the prospect of a successful career. He was an enthusiastic musician and Volunteer, and was gazetted to the 4th R.S. in 1907 after two years' service in the ranks. Mobilised as a Lt. with his Bn. in Aug. 1914, he volunteered for Imperial Service, and fell in action at Gully Ravine (Gallipoli), on June 28, 1915, while leading a bayonet charge. He was gazetted Capt. after his death, Mar. 1916.

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William Thomas Mackie
R.F.A. DOZINGHEM MILITARY CEMETERY The youngest son of the late J. Mackie, was born in 1887, and attended G.W.C. 1892-1903. He was employed as an insurance agent. Enlisting in the R.F.A. as a Driver in Nov. 1916, he was sent to France, where he served till Oct. 1917. Severely wounded in action near Ypres, he succumbed to his injuries Oct. 11. 1917.

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James Huntly Macdonald Mackinnon
R.A.F. BELGRADE WAR CEMETERY J. Huntly M. MacKinnon, Flight Lieutenant, Royal Air Force, son of Sheriff J. A. R. MacKinnon, Dundee, was born on 15th September 1920. Entering Watson's in 1926, he left in 1934 to enter Fettes College and thereafter took up farming as a career. Joining the R.A.F. in 1940, he served in Fighter Command in the Middle Fast, France and Italy. He was killed in action on 2 3rd March 1945 on a sortie into Yugoslavia.

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Edward Douglas Mackintosh
A.I.F. WARLENCOURT BRITISH CEMETERY The son of Mr. J. Mackintosh, Edin., was born in 1884, and attended G.W.C. 1894-1900. On leaving he entered the British Linen Bank, Edin., and remained there till 1913, when he went to Australia to take up sheep farming. Enlisting as a Pte. in the A.I.F., he was promoted Cpl., and was sent to France with his Bn. He fell at Beaumont Hamel, Nov. 14, 1916.

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