​During the conflicts of the 20th Century former pupils of the George Watson's Boys' College answered their country's call in their hundreds and many made the ultimate sacrifice.

In World War I 605 died, 19.5% of those who served in the armed forces.

In World War II 202 died, 11.2% of those who served in the armed forces.

In addition, one former pupil of George Watson's Ladies' College was killed in World War I, another was killed during World War II and a pupil died in the Korean War. This Roll of Honour provides some of the facts and the faces behind the stark statistics. It also includes the six members of staff who died in World War I and another, who had taught at George Watson's Ladies' College, who died in World War II.

These biographies are not complete and there are also a number of photographs missing, together with a few records that have not yet been traced. If you have any further information we would welcome it, please contact us.

We continue to work hard to find out more about these Watsonians. Some of the photographs you will see here have been taken from newspapers and from the school magazine, The Watsonian, when they were still at school. Most of the information you will find here has been taken from A Memorial Record of Watsonians who served in the Great War (1920) and The Watsonian War Record 1939-1945 (1951). These two volumes were published to record and honour Watsonians who had served and who had died. Additionally, John Hamblin researched the Watsonians during the Second World War (1939-46) in more detail and we are pleased to share his research here too.

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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Alastair Robert Anderson Maclachlan
R.A.F. DURNBACH WAR CEMETERY Alastair R. A. MacLachlan, D.F.C., Flight Lieutenant, Royal Air Force, was the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. D. K. F. MacLachlan, 11 Holyhead Road, Wellington, Shropshire, formerly of Rhodesia and Edinburgh. Born on 16th January 1922, he attended Watson's from 1929 to 1939, when he was awarded the Midland Counties Colliery Burners Association Bursary to study Mining Engineering at Sheffield University. Entering the R.A.F., he was commissioned in April 1942 and awarded the D.F.C. in August, the citation referring to his exceptional tenacity and the vigour with which he pressed home his attacks. He participated in many raids, including those on Brest, Cologne, Hamburg, Essen, Rostock, and Munich. He was reported missing from air operations in September 1943 and later " believed killed ".

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Angus MacLeod Cameron Highlanders LOOS MEMORIAL A son of Mr. A. Macleod, Edin., was born in 1884, and entered G.W.C. in 1897. He joined the Cameron Hrs., and was promoted L/Sgt. Crossing to France, he was killed in action at Loos.

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Ion Keith Falconer MacLeod
R.A.M.C. att Fd Amb LIJSSENTHOEK MILITARY CEMETERY The only son of the Rev. D. J. Macleod, U.F. Church, Boddam, Aberdeenshire, was born in 1888, and attended G.W.C. 1896-1907. He was in the Champion XI. of 1907. Having studied medicine at Edin. Univ., he graduated M.B. Ch.B. in 1914, winning the Annandale Gold Medal in Clinical Surgery. He enlisted as a Territorial in the Gordon Hrs. while a student, and, getting a temporary commission in the R.A.M.C., crossed to France in Dec. 1915. He was stationed at Etaples, and while attached to the 75th Fd. Amb., 25th Div., was killed by shell-fire while dressing a case at an outpost on the Reninghelst-La Clyne Rd.

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James Patrick Maxwell MacMaster
R.E. EDINBURGH (GRANGE) CEMETERY Born in Edinburgh in 1896, was a son of Mr. T. Macmaster, Secy., Caledonian Insce. Coy. He attended G.W.C. 1903-11, and on leaving joined the staff of the National Bank of Scotland. He attested under the Derby Scheme in Dec. 1915, and, on being called to the Colours, was posted to the R.E., in which he served as a Spr. In Feb. 1918 he was transferred to an O.C.B. Before completing his course of training, he was attacked by pneumonia, and died in a military hospital in England.

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James MacMeekan
Northumberland Fusiliers Not Known The fourth son of the late Rev. J. Macmeekan, Pettinain, Lanarkshire, was born in 1898, and attended G.W.C. 1908-15. He became an apprentice C.A. on leaving School. After serving in the ranks of the S.R. for six months, he got a commission in the Northumberland Fus. He was in France a little over a month when he was killed, June 20, 1918.
Archibald MacPherson R.E. AUBIGNY COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION A son of Mr. A. Macpherson, Edin., was born in 1889, and attended G.W.C. 1902-5. He held the rank of Lt. in the C. of E. Fd. Coy., R.E. He was severely wounded on May 25, 1918, and died the following day.

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Robert MacPherson
Royal Scots HELLES MEMORIAL The son of Mr. R. Macpherson, clothier, Edin., was born in 1892, and, after attending a private school, came to G.W.C. in 1903 and left in 1907. On leaving School he entered his father's business, and played for Lismore, being Captain of the 2nd XV., 1910, and playing forward for the 1st XV. thereafter. A Pte. in the 9th R.S. for five years, he severed his connection with that unit in 1913, having got an appointment in Scarborough. Returning in Aug. 1914, he joined the 4th Bn. with which he went to Gallipoli, where he was killed, July 13, 1915.

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Robert Duncan Mearns Macpherson
R.A.M.C. LOOS MEMORIAL Born in 1885 and attended GWC 1896 - 1903 when he proceeded to Edin. Univ. to study Arts and medicine. He graduated M.B. Ch.B in 1911, and three years later obtained the Diploma in Tropical medicine. A former member of the E.U.O.T.C., in which he held the rank of Sgt in 1912, he joined the R.A.M.C as Lt in Aug 1914. After some months in France, he fell at Loos, Sept 25, 1915.

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Duncan Mackenzie MacRae
Seaforth Highlanders TYNE COT MEMORIAL The son of the Rev. D. M. Macrae, Edin. (late of Balquhidder U.F. Ch.), was born in 1897, and attended G.W.C. 1908-16. He was a prominent athlete, being Captain of Preston House, Cricket Captain of the School XI. 1915 and 1916, and playing for the 2nd XV. After serving in the ranks of the Cameron Hrs., he got a commission in the 2nd Seaforth Hrs. Wounded at Passchendaele on Oct. 4, 1917, his fate was for long uncertain, but he was finally reported as killed on that date.

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Lewis G. MacRae
Royal Scots Not Known The eldest son of Mr. H. Macrae, Edin., was born in 1897, and attended G.W.C. 1903-10. On leaving School he was apprenticed to a firm of wholesale stationers. He enlisted in the 4th R.S. on the outbreak of war and went to Gallipoli. He was reported missing on June 28, 1915, and subsequently presumed killed in action on that day.

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