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Name Regiment Buried Biography

William Smith MacFarlane
R.A.F. EDINBURGH (DEAN, OR WESTERN) CEMETERY The elder son of Mr. W. W. MacFarlane, Edin., was born in 1890, and after attending G.W.C. 1898-1903, completed his education at Merchiston. After studying at the Edin. Coll. of Art and Edin. Univ., he entered his father's business. A keen Rugby player and member of Merchiston 1st XV. 1905-8, he later played for Edin. Wanderers, acting as Secy. to that Club for two seasons. Mobilised as a Tpr. in the L. and B. H. in Aug. 1914, he was granted a commission in the 5th R.S. in March 1915, and took part in the Gallipoli campaign. During 1916 and 1917 he served in France, and was temporarily attached to the 1/5th King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regt.), acting as Adjt. from Jan. to Aug. 1917. For gallantry at Trones Wood in Aug. 1916, he was awarded the M.C. Wounded in Aug. 1917, he held an instructional appointment at Gailes from Oct. 1917 till March 1918, when he was transferred to the R.A.F. with the rank of Lt. He was killed in a flying accident June 20, 1918.

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William Walter MacFarlane
R.F.A. VOORMEZEELE ENCLOSURE No.3 The son of Mrs. C. McFarlane, Glasgow, was born in Glasgow in 1889, and attended G.W.C. 1901-6. On leaving he went to Morrison's Academy, Crieff. Thereafter he studied civil engineering at Glasgow Univ., and sought practical experience in the Clydesdale firms. Resigning a post under Sir William Arrol in Jan. 1915, he joined the Lovat Scouts, and went through the Gallipoli campaign. Returning home from Egypt for a commission, he was gazetted to the D/256 Bde., R.F.A. When acting as Liaison Officer he was reported missing on Apr. 12, 1918, and he has subsequently been reported to have been found dead by the enemy and buried by them between Bouzauex and Epinette.

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Kenneth Charles Ker Macfie
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders CASSINO WAR CEMETERY Kenneth C. K. Macfie, Second Lieutenant, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Macfie, 19 West Mayfield, Edinburgh. Born on 30th August 1917, he attended Watson's from 1926 to 1935, when he left to begin his apprenticeship as a Chartered Accountant. Enlisting as a gunner in the Royal Artillery early in 1939, he served in the North Africa campaign from 1941 to 1943. Thereafter he was commissioned in the 1st Battalion, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, and was killed in action at the crossing of the river Rapido before Cassino, Italy, on 12th May 1944.

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Donald A.D.I. Macgregor
R.F.C. Not Known The elder son of the late Councillor MacGregor, Leith, was born in 1895, and attended G.W.C. 1904-12, where he was prominent both in the class-room and the playing field. He passed on to a Technical College in London to study motor engineering, and, offering his services for the war, he was sent to France in the Indian Motor Ambulance, as 2/Lt. in the R.A.S.C. He later transferred to the R.F.C. with the rank of Lt., and was engaged for two years in active fighting. He was brought home to act as an instructor and became a Test-Pilot at Vickers. Preferring active service to the offer of an instructional post in Canada, he fell fighting against heavy odds, Nov. 30, 1917.

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Donald Hamilton Macgregor
Gordon Highlanders RAILWAY CUTTING CEMETERY, COURCELLES-LE-COMTE The only son of Dr. D. Macgregor, M.A., was born at Denholm, Hawick, in 1891, and attended G.W.C. 1904-1907. He emigrated to Canada where he held an appointment on the staff of the Bank of Montreal. Returning to Scotland after the outbreak of war, he served in the 9th R.S., in which he held the rank of Cpl. till Apr. 1917. Gazetted on that date to the 1st Gordon Hrs., he crossed to France and was present at the battle of Arras. During the retreat in Mar. 1918 he was commended for gallant conduct on the field. Six months later, while leading a frontal attack, he fell in action near Bapaume, Aug. 23, 1918.

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Iain O'Brien Macgregor
RA CASSINO WAR CEMETERY lain O'B. MacGregor, Lieutenant-Colonel, Royal Artillery, younger son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel John MacGregor, Indian Medical Service, was born on 4th February 1901. Coming to Watson's in 1909 from Inverness High School, he left in 1915 to enter the Imperial Service College, Windsor. Captain of that school in 1917, he proceeded to the R.M.A., Woolwich, and received his commission in the R.A. in 1920. Seconded to the R.A.F. in 1924, he won the R.A.F. and Inter-Services Boxing Championships. Returning to army duties, he went to India in 1928 and in 1942 was given command of the 113th Field Regiment, R.A., and served with the 8th Army in Egypt. In 1944 he commanded the 153rd Field Regiment, R.A., in Italy, and died on 16th June 1944 from head injuries received in a motor-cycling accident near Cassino.

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James Gray Macindoe
R.A.M.C. GREAT TORRINGTON CEMETERY Was born in 1869 and entered G.W.C. in 1883. Thereafter he studied medicine at Edin. Univ. from 1887-92, and graduated M.B. C.M. Joining the Army Medical Service, he was M.O. in the 6th Devonshire Regt. in 1900, and at the outbreak of war held the rank of Major in the R.A.M.C. He was invalided from the service in Sept. 1916, and died Oct. 5, 1916.

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Ian Forbes Mackay Gordon Highlanders LOOS MEMORIAL A son of the late Lt.-Col. A. F. Mackay, was born at Southend, Kintyre, in 1873, and attended G.W.C. 1887-9. He was an East India merchant, and was on his way home from India when war broke out. Joining the London Scottish, he was promoted Sgt., and later was commissioned as 2/Lt. to the 8th Gordon Hrs., in which unit he held the position of Machine Gun Officer with the rank of Temp. Capt. He was killed at Vermelles, Sept. 25, 1915.

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Mark Sprot Mackay
Cameron Highlanders FAUBOURG D'AMIENS CEMETERY, ARRAS A son of the Rev. P. R. Mackay, D.D., was born in 1897, and was educated at G.W.C. 1908-10 and Fettes College. He was gazetted as 2/Lt. to the 7th Cameron Hrs., and saw service with his Bn. in France. He was killed on May 5, 1917.

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James Oliphant Mackellar
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders KANCHANABURI WAR CEMETERY James O. Mackellar, M.C., Lieutenant-Colonel, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, only son of the late Rev. D. C. Mackellar, U.F. Church, Denny, was born on 13th November 1894 and attended Watson's from 1906 to 1914. During his last session he was Captain of the School, Captain of the 1st XV and a member of the 1st XI. His intention on leaving school was to prepare for entrance to the Indian Police, but on the outbreak of war he enlisted in the 9th Royal Scots and in December 1914 entered Sandhurst, ultimately receiving a commission in The A. & S. H. He went to France with the 2nd Battalion and gained the M.C. and Bar. Transferring to the Reserve in the early twenties, he spent most of the years between the wars abroad. Recalled to the colours in 1939, he left a tea estate in Ceylon to rejoin his old battalion, then stationed in Malaya. Later he was given command of the 4th (Pahang) Battalion, F.M.S.V.F., with which he saw service on. the Peninsula, being mentioned in dispatches. Taken prisoner he died at Nakou Patou, Thailand, in February 1945.

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