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Name Regiment Buried Biography

John Wharton Young
S.A.I. TAVETA MILITARY CEMETERY A son of Mr. J. Young, was born in 1880, and attended G.W.C. 1886-96, when he joined the staff of the Edinburgh Evening News. In 1902 he accepted a post on the staff of the South African News, Cape Town, and in a few years. was promoted to the sub-editorship of the Rand Daily Mail, Johannesburg, where he made his mark. A keen golfer, he wrote about the game. He enlisted in Oct. 1915 for service in German East Africa, and went into action at Salaita Hill, Feb. 12, 1916. A few days later the Machine Gun Section walked into a trap and he was last seen range-finding when the enemy opened fire.

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William Steele Young
R.E. att Royal Scots GAZA WAR CEMETERY The second son of Col. A. Young, C.B.E., V.D., was born in Edin. in 1893, and attended G.W.C. 1899-1913. He was a good athlete, gaining his Rugby cap in 1911. He captained the Shooting VIII. and obtained certificate 'A.' On leaving School he studied mining engineering at Edin. Univ., and was in the E.U.O.T.C. (Engineers). He received a commission in the R.E. (Cheshire) in 1914, and saw action at Suvla Bay and in Egypt. He fell before Gaza while attached to the 4th R.S.

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James William Younger
Royal Deccan Horse TAUKKYAN WAR CEMETERY James W. Younger, Captain, 1st Lothians and Border Yeomanry and later of the Royal Deccan Horse, was the son of Captain James Younger of Rangoon and Mrs. Younger, Edinburgh. Born on 19th October 1919, he came to Watson's in 1924 and left in 1937. As a Territorial he was called up at the outbreak of war and received his commission in 1940. He saw service in India from 1942, and was killed in action at Meiktila on 17th March 1945.

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James Yule
R.A.F. HANOVER WAR CEMETERY James Yule, Sergeant, Royal Air Force, only child of Mr. and Mrs. James Yule, 27 Kingsknowe Avenue, Edinburgh, was born on 25th December 1921, and attended Watson's from 1927 to 1937. In 1938 he entered the firm of Messrs. Dalgleish & Murray, Chartered Accountants, Edinburgh. In 1941 he volunteered for the R.A.F. and after training in this country went to the U.S.A. and Canada. Returning in December 1942, he was posted to Bomber Command and took part in fourteen operational flights over France, Italy and Germany. He was killed in action in the great raid over Hanover on the night of 22nd September 1943, and is buried with five of his comrades in Wunstorf Military Cemetery near Hanover.

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