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Name Regiment Buried Biography
James P. Wingate A.I.F. LONE PINE MEMORIAL Emigrated to Australia in 1913, and was engaged in fruit-farming in N.S.W. when war broke out. Joining the A.I.F. as a Pte., he saw service in Egypt, whence he was sent to the Dardanelles. He died of wounds received there on Aug. 8, 1915.

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Thomas Stanley Winton
RNVR CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL T. Stanley Winton, Lieutenant, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Winton, Torwood, Mayfield Terrace, Edinburgh, was born on 19th September 1915, and was a pupil at Watson's from 1923 to 1929. Proceeding to Cambridge University, he was awarded his golfing Blue, and on returning to Edinburgh entered his father's firm of Messrs. A. & A. Crawford, Leith, of which he later became a Director. Joining the R.N.V.R. shortly before the war, he took part in the naval action against the Graf at the River Plate. He lost his life at sea through enemy action when serving on H.M.S. Harvester in March 1943.

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James Wood
R.A.M.C. KARASOULI MILITARY CEMETERY A son of Mr. A. Wood, Edin., was born in 1890 and attended G.W.C. 1903-6. Dental surgeon by profession, he received a commission as Lt. in the R.A.M.C., and was promoted Capt. He died on Sept. 14, 1918.

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James Wyper
K.O.S.B. BUZANCY MILITARY CEMETERY The eldest son of Mr. W. Wyper, Edin., was born in 1892, and attended G.W.C. 1899-1908. He was keenly interested in cricket and football, and played for Craiglockhart R.F.C. He became a clerk in the grain trade and afterwards a traveller. In May 1915 he joined the R.H., and was gazetted to the K.O.S.B. in Apr. 1917, crossing to France the following Aug. After serving in the Arras region, he went with his battalion as part of the 51st Div. to help the French in July 1918. He was wounded in an attack at Buzancy on July 23, and killed later in the day.

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Andrew Young
S.R. MARTINPUICH BRITISH CEMETERY The second son of Mr. A. Young, Gilmerton, was born in Edinburgh in 1887. After attending G.W.C. 1899-1905, he passed to Edin. Univ., where he had a successful career in the Faculty of Arts, graduating M.A. (Hons. Classics) in 1909. He completed his training as a teacher under the Provincial Committee, and was senior Classical master at Forres Academy, when he joined the 4th London Fd. Amb. in Jan. 1915. After a period of service in the ranks, he trained at the 10th O.C.B., and was gazetted as 2/Lt. into the 3rd S.R. in Sept. 1916. While temporarily attached to the 13th Bn. of his regiment in France, he fell in action Dec. 26, 1916.

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Andrew George Young
Royal Scots ETAPLES MILITARY CEMETERY The younger son of the late ex-Provost Young, Jedburgh, was born there in 1894, and after receiving his early education at Jedburgh Grammar School, attended G.W.C. 1909-10. He joined the staff of Messrs. Young and Coy., Peebles, on leaving School, and after several years with that firm, transferred his services to Messrs. Allan, Bros., boot manufacturers, Edin. As a Tpr. and latterly as a Despatch Rider and Motor Cyclist, he served with the L. and B. H. on coast defence work at Dunbar from Mar. 1915 till Apr. 1918. Transferred to France to help in stemming the German onset, he was attached to the 15th R.S. While in a rest camp at Etaples, he was severely wounded during an enemy air raid on the night of May 19/20, and succumbed to his injuries on May 21, 1918.

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Archibald Young
Royal Scots HELLES MEMORIAL The eldest son of Col. A. Young, C.B.E., V.D., was born in Edin. in 1891, and attended G.W.C. 1899-1908, where he established a good athletic record. On leaving School he went for a business training to London, and while there captained a Rugby team for the London Scottish. He joined the 4th R.S. in 1910, was granted a commission in 1912 and was promoted Lt. in 1913. Mobilised on the outbreak of war, he proceeded to Gallipoli with his battalion. He was killed in action at Gully Ravine, June 28, 1915.

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David Goldie Young
S.R. LOOS MEMORIAL The son of Mr. W. Young, Edin., was born in 1888, and educated at Harris Academy, Dundee, and G.W.C. 1900-4. A member of the Cross Country Club he won the Novices' Race in 1905. He entered the service of the Scottish Life Assurance Coy., where he became F.F.A. War broke out while he was studying for the F.I.A. degree, and he had been marked for promotion. Having had previous experience in the L. and B. H., he joined the 15th R.S. as a Pte., was given a commission in the 10th S.R., and was later promoted Lt. and Bde. Transport Offr. He was killed while fighting at Loos, Sept. 25, 1915.

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George Sanderson Handley Young
Royal Scots HELLES MEMORIAL A son of the late R. Young, Edin., was born in 1890, and attended G.W.C. 1901-6. He was a member of the Cadet Corps from its inception, and later served for six years in the Bankers' Coy., 4th R.S. He was in the service of the Union Bank of Scotland where he became branch accountant and teller. He played football for the 3rd Watsonian team, and was associated with Portobello Amateur Rowing Club. He was mobilised at the outbreak of war with his battalion, and fell in action at the Dardanelles, July 13, 1915.

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James Ronald Young R.A.S.C. A son of Mr. J. Young, Edin., was born in 1897, and attended G.W.C. 1907-14. On leaving School he entered his father's business as a baker, but later joined the R.A.S.C. (M.T.) as a Driver. He died in Jan. 1919.