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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Henry George Wilson
Royal Scots ARRAS MEMORIAL A son of Mr. J. L. Wilson, merchant, Leith, was born there in 1887. He was a pupil at G.W.C. 1896-1900. Joining the 5th R.S. as a Pte., he served in France, where he was attached to the 13th Bn. During the German Offensive, he was posted missing on Mar. 28, 1918, and although he was a Prisoner of war until Sept. 1918, no further information has been received about him, and he is presumed to have died in German hands.

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James Miller Wilson
R.G.A. VLAMERTINGHE NEW MILITARY CEMETERY The third son of the Rev. R. Wilson, Linlithgow, was born in 1898, and educated at Linlithgow Academy and G.W.C. 1914-16, where he was an enthusiastic member of the O.T.C. After three months at a Cadet School he was gazetted to the R.G.A. in Dec. 1916. He went to the front in May 1917, and fell in action on July 25.

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John Wilson
D. Of Wellington's West Riding Regiment Not Known A son of the late A. Wilson, Armadale, was born in 1887, and educated at Armadale Public School and G.W.C. 1900-4. He studied medicine at Edin. Univ., and graduated in 1909. He became partner with Dr. Steel in Hamilton, and remained there till 1915, when he was gazetted to the R.A.M.C. and attached to the 10th Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regt. He served in France from Aug. 1915 till Mar. 9, 1916, when he was killed by a shell while succouring the wounded.

Lewis McIver Wilson
Highland Light Infantry BAILLEUL COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION (NORD) Born in 1892, was the third son of the late ex-Dean of Guild Wilson, Edin., and entered G.W.C. in 1899. While in the Senior School he occupied a place of prominence in the band of the O.T.C., and was a keen footballer. On leaving School he spent some time in Frankfort studying the dyeing industry. He returned to this country a competent German scholar, and was appointed Secy. to the Midlothian Dyeing and Cleaning Coy. Having received a commission in the 13th H.L.I. in Feb. 1915, he was sent to France in Sept., and attached to the 11th Bn. He was severely wounded and died Mar. 27, 1916.

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Matthew Wilson
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders TARANTO TOWN CEMETERY EXTENSION A son of Major M. Wilson, V.D., was born in 1883, and entered G.W.C. in 1892, where he was a keen Rugby player and captain of the 2nd XV. On leaving School he joined the staff of the Scottish Widows' Fund, and went to England. In Sept. 1914 he enlisted in the R.S., and in the following Apr. received a commission in the A. and S. H. He won the M.C. in May 1916 and bar Aug. 1917. From Mar. 1915 to 1918 he was in the hottest parts of the line. During that period he was twice wounded. He was sent to hospital in London, and later went to the East, where he took influenza and died from pneumonia at Taranto, Italy, Oct. 12, 1918.

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Robert Armstrong Wilson
R.F.A. VERMELLES BRITISH CEMETERY Was born in 1882, and entered G.W.C. in 1894. He studied medicine after leaving School. At the outbreak of war he was commissioned to the R.F.A., and rose to the rank of Capt. by 1915. He was killed in action in France, Oct. 18, 1915.

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Robert Forsyth Wilson
Gordon Highlanders MAILLY WOOD CEMETERY, MAILLY-MAILLET Was born in 1888, came from S. Africa to Scotland in 1903, and was educated at G.W.C. He dedicated himself to the ministry, was reader in St. Giles's for a number of years, and, on finishing his Divinity course with Hons. in 1915, was appointed an assistant in St. Giles's. He joined the Gordon Hrs., and was killed in action in the fighting of Aug. 1916.

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Robert Straton Wilson
Suffolk Regiment BIRR CROSS ROADS CEMETERY A son of Mr. H. C. Wilson, Edin., was born in 1895, and attended G.W.C. 1900-11. On leaving he entered the Edin. branch of the Ocean Insurance Coy. Enlisting in Sept. 1914, he was attached to the R.A.S.C., and transferred to the Suffolk Regt. in Dec. 1916. In June 1917 he was awarded the M.M. for conspicuous bravery under fire. He was killed in action on Sept. 25, 1917.

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Thomas Fowler Rorie Wilson
RE DELHI WAR CEMETERY Thomas F. R. Wilson, Lieutenant- Colonel, Royal Engineers, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, 96 Spottiswoode Street, Edinburgh, was born on 18th November 1905. After attendance at Watson's from 1913 to 1922 he began his training as a civil engineer in the offices of the L.N.E.R. and was duly elected A.M.I.C.E. After a few months in the Inverness office of the L.M.S. he returned to the Edinburgh office of the L.N.E.R. in November 1927 and was engaged on specialised work in connection with the permanent way. In May 1940 he volunteered for service with the Royal Engineers and in the autumn of that year went out to Iraq and later to India. In Bombay he did excellent work co-ordinating the technical military service in three major railway systems, which resulted in his being posted to G.H.Q. as Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Director of Transport. He died at Delhi on 21st May 1945.

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Frank Windle
K.O.S.B. TYNE COT MEMORIAL The youngest son of Mr. J. R. Windle, Edin., attended G.W.C. 1896-1905. In 1914 he joined the Cameron Hrs., but was discharged owing to an accident received while in training. On recovery he again enlisted, and was sent to France. He was wounded and twice invalided home, and when he returned for the third time, was attached to the K.O.S.B., with which regiment he saw much strenuous service until killed in action, Aug. 27, 1917.

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