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Name Regiment Buried Biography

James Weir Whitelaw
R.S.F. ARRAS MEMORIAL A son of Mr. A. Whitelaw, Dalkeith, was born in 1896, and attended G.W.C. 1906-12. He had a taste for natural history. For two years he was with Messrs. Dobbie, seedsmen, for practical training, and thereafter proceeded to the East of Scotland Agricultural College. He joined the E.U.O.T.C. in Oct. 1915, was gazetted to the R.S.F. in Jan. 1916, and went to France in Sept., where he proved a most efficient officer. On Apr. 11, 1917, he was posted missing and was presumed killed.

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Charles Brown Whittaker
Royal Scots THIEPVAL MEMORIAL Born in 1890, and attended G.W.C. 1902-5, where he was a successful pupil. He graduated at Edin. Univ. and, entering the teaching profession, was engaged first at Burntisland and later under Edin. School Board. In the early days of the war he re-enlisted in the College Coy. of the 6th R.S. In Jan. 1915 he received his commission, and in June proceeded to France where he was attached to the 2nd R.S. He was wounded in the Loos offensive and returned home. He was mentioned in Despatches. Having returned to France he fell while leading his men in the Somme battle, July 23, 1916.

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Marshall Paterson Wight
Royal Scots HELLES MEMORIAL A son of Mr. R. Wight, Colinton, was born in Edin. in 1886, and entered G.W.C. in 1893, passing on to the Edin. Institution. While he was on the staff of the Life Association of Scotland war broke out, and he enlisted in the 4th R.S. Leaving with his battalion for the Dardanelles in May 1915, he had only seen ten days' active service when he was reported missing, June 28, 1915.

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Reginald Alexander Clark Wilkes
Canadian Infantry Not Known Born in 1885, and entered G.W.C. in 1898, leaving to pass to Edin. Univ., where he studied medicine till 1908. He had emigrated to Canada prior to the war, but returned with the 1st Canadian Contingent as a Pte. in the 14th Canadian Infy. He fell in action in France, May 21, 1915.

Henry Rochead Williamson
R.A.F. LEMSTERLAND (LEMMER) GENERAL CEMETERY Henry R. Williamson, Sergeant, Royal Air Force, second son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Williamson, 14 Greenbank Crescent, Edinburgh, was born on 27th November 1920. He entered Watson's in 1926 and took a keen interest in the O.T.C., in which he attained the rank of Sergeant. Also a keen swimmer, he gained the bronze and silver medallions and the award of merit of the Royal Life Saving Society. Leaving in 1939, he took up farming as a career but, although in a reserved occupation, volunteered for the R.A.F. in 1940. Joining up in 1941, he was among the first airmen to be trained in the U.S.A. and Canada. As a bomb-aimer be was promoted to the rank of Sergeant, and after taking part in many raids over the continent was killed in action on 13th May 1943

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James Vaughan Williamson
R.A.F. HARROGATE (STONEFALL) CEMETERY James V. Williamson, Flying Officer, Royal Air Force, was the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williamson, 4 Ventor Terrace, Edinburgh. Born on 17th September 1921, he entered Watson's from the Victoria College, Westbury, Wiltshire, in 1933 and left in 1939 to take up Chartered Accountancy. As soon as his age permitted he joined the R.A.F. in 1940 and soon gained his wings. After some experience in the Middle East he returned to join Bomber Command and did a full tour of operations over Germany as pilot of a " Halifax ". While on instructional duties with a training crew he was killed in a flying accident on the night of 23rd November 1943.

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Archibald Field Wilson
S.R. CAMBRIN CHURCHYARD EXTENSION The youngest son of Major M. Wilson, V.D., Edin., was born in 1888, and attended G.W.C. 1896-1903. He distinguished himself as a footballer at School, was a forward in the XV. 1902-3, and afterwards played for Lismore XV. Taking up accountancy as his profession, he eventually went to Colombo. He was home when war broke out, and, having served in the 4th R.S. and Colombo Mounted Rifles, was commissioned to the 9th S.R. He speedily rose to the rank of Capt., was sent to France, and fell at Hulluch on Sept. 25, 1915. He is buried at Cambrin.

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Arthur Alexander Wilson
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders HENINEL-CROISILLES ROAD CEMETERY A son of the Rev. J. S. Wilson, Dean of Edin., was born in 1892. After attending G.W.C. 1898-1904, he completed his school career at Glenalmond in 1910. Entering Keble College, Oxford, in Oct. 1911, he graduated B.A. with Hons. in Theology in 1914. An enthusiastic Rugby player, he captained his college XV., and frequently played for the Univ. and the London Scottish. He was a keen member of the University O.T.C., in which he held the rank of Sgt. Shortly after graduating he went to South Africa on tutorial work, but returned in 1916. After training in the Cadet Bn. at Cambridge, he was commissioned as 2/Lt. to the A. and S. H., and was killed in the advance near Fontaine-les-Croiselles, Apr. 23, 1917.

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Conrad Blackadder Wilson
Highland Light Infantry PERONNE COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION The eldest son of Mr. C. J. Wilson, F.R.S.G.S., was born in 1896, and attended G.W.C. 1910-13, where he was a member of the O.T.C. His education was completed at the High School, Victoria, B.C. Enlisting as a Pte. in the 30th Gordon Hrs., C.E.F., in 1914, he crossed to France and served for a time as Sgt. i/c the bombing section, 16th Regt., C.E.F. In 1916 he was gazetted 2/Lt. in the 9th H.L.I. During the following year, he was killed in action near Clerysur-Somme.

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Gordon Farquharson Wilson
S.A. Infantry NINE ELMS BRITISH CEMETERY The son of Mrs. Wilson, Capetown, was born in 1892, and attended G.W.C. 1904-7. On leaving School he returned to S. Africa, and became manager of a large farm in the Transvaal. When war broke out he enlisted and went through the campaigns in German S.W. Africa. Volunteering for further service, he was sent to Egypt, and from there was invalided to England. He later was sent to France where he was promoted Sgt. He was killed in action in Sept. 1917.

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