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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Robert Hamilton Maclagan Wedderburn
S.R. BREWERY ORCHARD CEMETERY, BOIS-GRENIER Born in 1893, and educated at G.W.C. 1901-11, where he took a distinguished place in his classes and attained the rank of L/Cpl. in the College O.T.C. He was leader of the gun team of the E.U.O.T.C. (Arty.). At Edin. Univ. he gained the Medal for Ancient History and graduated in Arts in Mar. 1914. He won several prizes at Drumsheugh swimming baths. Gazetted in Aug. 1914 to the 3rd S.R., he went to the Western Front and was killed in action at Bois Grenier near Armentieres.

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Jack Henry Butcher Wedderspoon
R.F.C. TOURNAI COMMUNAL CEMETERY ALLIED EXTENSION A son of Mr. W. G. Wedderspoon, was born in 1896, and entered G.W.C. in 1905, leaving to study Arts at Edin. Univ. in 1913. On the outbreak of war he joined the E.U.O.T.C. (Arty.), and received a commission in the R.F.A., 52nd Low. Div. in Jan. 1915. He later qualified as a pilot and observer in the R.F.C. After serving in Asia Minor and Palestine, he was transferred to the Western Front and was killed near Tournai, Belgium, on Apr. 6, 1917.

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Robert Weir
Royal Scots BEAUMONT-HAMEL BRITISH CEMETERY A son of Mr. W. Weir, was born in 1886, entered G.W.C. in 1901, and on leaving studied Arts at Edin. Univ. 1905-7. He was a schoolmaster. Mobilised in Aug. 1914 as a Col.-Sgt. in the 8th R.S., he won speedy promotion, holding the rank of Lt. by Jan. 1915. He served in France and was mentioned in Despatches. On Nov. 16, 1916, he was killed in action.

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William Scott Weir
Royal Scots THIEPVAL MEMORIAL A son of Mr. T. Weir, schoolmaster, was born in 1880 at Innerleithen, and entered G.W.C. in 1894. On leaving School he studied law, and passing his final examination in 1903, served in two Edinburgh legal firms. As a lawyer he showed great promise and a brilliant future was predicted for him. In Nov. 1914 he enlisted in the R.S., proceeding to France in Jan. 1916. He saw much severe fighting, and on July 1, 1916, fell in action at the battle of the Somme.

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Thomas Cairns Welsh K.O.S.B. REDOUBT CEMETERY, HELLES A pupil of G.W.C. in 1899, was born in 1885. Prior to enlisting in the 1/5th K.O.S.B., in which battalion he ultimately held the rank of Capt., he was a student of medicine at Edin. Univ. He fell in action at the Dardanelles, July 12, 1915.

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Robert Kemp Westwater
Royal Scots HELLES MEMORIAL Was born at Chefoo, China, in 1889, and attended G.W.C. 1896-1907, coming up the Modern side. At the outbreak of war he was employed by Messrs. Beardmore, Glasgow. He was a keen athlete, playing for two seasons in the 1st XV. of the Lismore F.C. In Aug. 1914 he joined the 1/5th R.S., in which his younger brother was serving as a motor cyclist. Later he took up signalling and was promoted Cpl. He was present at the landing at Sed-el-Bahr in Gallipoli. On Apr. 28, 1915, his senior officers having fallen, he took command of his section and fell in the attack on Krithia.

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Alexander C. Westwood
Black Watch LE TOURET MEMORIAL The only son of Mr. A. Westwood, J.P., Cupar, was born in 1894. - He attended G.W.C. 1908-10, where he was a member of the Scout Troop and the O.T.C. Returning to Cupar in 1911, he joined his father's business. He played Rugby and Hockey, and was a keen student of natural history, being associated with the local Ornithological Society. Enlisting in the Territorials in 1910, he was for three years in the M.G. Section of the 7th Black Watch. In May 1914 he was gazetted 2/Lt. and promoted Lt. in Oct. He fell at Festubert on May 16, 1915.

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Michael Joseph Whelahan
RA ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Michael J. Whelahan, Bombardier, Royal Artillery, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Whelahan, 49 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh, was born on 11th July 1911. Coming to Watson's from St. Columba's School in 1923, he left in 1929 to enter the offices of the Edinburgh Education Authority and later transferred to the City Chamberlain's department. He graduated B.Com. at Edinburgh University in 1933. Joining the Territorial Army in March 1939, he was mobilised on the outbreak of war and embarked for the Middle East in April 1941. He was reported killed in action at sea on 23rd December of the same year.

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George Anderson White
R.S.F. GEZAINCOURT COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION Born in 1887, was the youngest son of Mr. W. White, Bathgate. He was educated at Bathgate Academy and G.W.C., which he entered in 1902. He studied law at Edin. Univ. and after training with legal firms in Edin. and Bathgate, became law agent at Linlithgow Sheriff Court in 1911, and set up business in Bathgate in 1912. He was Town Clerk of the Burgh of Whitburn, and Vice-Dean of Linlithgowshire Faculty. Joining the E.U.O.T.C. in 1916, he received a commission in the R.S.F. in 1917. He proceeded with his battalion to France and took part in the heavy fighting round Hill 40 in Sept. where he was wounded. He fell on Mar. 30, 1918, and was buried at Gezaincourt

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Stephen Moncrieff White
M.N. TOWER HILL MEMORIAL Stephen M. White, Cadet, Merchant Navy, was the only child of the late Mr. Moncrieff White and of Mrs. White, 35 Redford Drive, Edinburgh. A pupil at Watson's from 1930 to 1940, he entered Leith Nautical College, where he gained a First Class Certificate of Merit in 1942 along with the Bronze Medal and Certificates in swimming and life-saving. He was immediately accepted by the Royal Mail Line as a cadet and left home to join his ship on 16th July 1942. He was drowned at sea eighteen days later on the morning of 3rd August, when his ship was twice torpedoed. Born on 17th November 1925, he was sixteen years of age.

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