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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Norman John Watson
R.F.A. BRANDHOEK NEW MILITARY CEMETERY No.3 The youngest son of the late R. Watson, was born at Oban in 1897, and educated at G.W.C. 1904-14, where he had a brilliant athletic career, excelling in swimming and water polo. He studied medicine at Edin. Univ. in 1915, joined the E.U.O.T.C., and volunteered in Nov. under the Derby Scheme. He received his commission in the R.F.A., and went through the battle of the Somme with the 102nd Div. He was wounded and gassed, and, while serving with the 246th Bde., was killed in action on May 28, 1918.

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Robert Seton Kellock Watson
Royal Scots BIENVILLERS MILITARY CEMETERY A son of Mr. R. Watson, late Rector of Kirkcudbright Academy, was born in 1892, and attended G.W.C. 1898-1908. On leaving he entered the counting house of Messrs. T. Nelson and Sons, publishers. He served in the 4th R.S. and was mobilised in 1914, but, being rejected for service abroad, went into munition work till May 1917, when he was accepted for service. In 1918 he went to France with the S.R. He declined a commission, and was later transferred to the R.S. He fell in action Apr. 6, 1918.

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William E. Watson K.L.R. POZIERES MEMORIAL A son of the Rev. J. M. Watson, Coldstream, was born in 1897 and attended G.W.C. 1909-15. After leaving School, he served for a short time in a bank, but left to join the 3rd R.H. as a Pte. in 1916. He was promoted L/Cpl. in Oct. 1916, and later received a commission as 2/Lt. in the K.L.R. He was killed on Apr. 11, 1918.

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William J. Watson R.F.A. A Tpr. in the L. and B. H. in 1914, he received a commission in the R.F.A., and was killed on Mar. 19, 1918.

Percy Bryden Watt
M.G.C. TANNAY BRITISH CEMETERY, THIENNES The younger son of Mr. J. Watt, S.S.C., Edin., was born in 1893, attended G.W.C. 1898-1909, and played for the 1st XI. 1907-9. Employed in a lawyer's office, he enlisted in 1914 in the Royal Scots Greys, and was afterwards transferred to the A. and S. H. In 1915 he gained a commission in the Gordon Hrs., and in 1916 crossed to France as Lt. in the M.G.C. Passing unscathed through much of the hardest fighting, he fell on Apr. 14, 1918.

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Stuart Cameron Watt
ATR WEST LINTON CEMETERY Stuart C. Watt, Second Lieutenant, Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery, was the younger son of Major and Mrs. James Watt, 2 Gordon Terrace, Edinburgh. Born in 1921, he entered Watson's in 1927. During his school days he took a prominent part in many activities. A first-rate scholar, he became School Captain in 1938-39, a position in which he enjoyed the confidence of both masters and boys. In 1938 he was one of three Scottish members of the Public Schools' Exploring Society's Expedition to Newfoundland, and in 1939 represented the school at the King's Camp, Balmoral. He was destined for the Church and gained a Simpson Bursary. Although exempt from military service, he voluntarily chose what seemed to him the path of duty, and joined the Royal Artillery. He was training in England when, on the 25th March 1942 while on duty, he met his death in a gallant attempt to put out a fire which had broken out in a minefield. Major and Mrs. Watt presented a Hammond organ to the school on 11th November 1942 in memory of their son.

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James Bow Watters
Canadian Infantry VIMY MEMORIAL The youngest son of the late G. Watters, Edin., was born in 1889, and attended G.W.C. 1896-1905. On the outbreak of war he volunteered for service and was rejected, but such was his keenness to serve that, after a holiday in British Columbia, he passed the medical test for the Canadian Army at Vancouver, and went to France. He proved himself a keen and efficient soldier, and fell at his post of duty while acting as No. 1 on his gun, Sept 27, 1918.

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Harold Watthews
West Riding Regiment YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL The third son of Dr. Watthews of Holmfirth, was born in 1898, and attended G.W.C. 1912-15. He was a keen footballer, being a prominent member of the Champion XV. of 1914-15, and a N.C.O. in the O.T.C. When only seventeen he left School to take a commission in the West Riding Regt., and was promoted Lt. before the age of eighteen. After a year as Signalling Offr. at North Shields, he was sent to France Feb. 1917, and fell on June 8, during the attack on Messines Ridge. Although nearly all his 35 men had become casualties, he persisted in going forward to establish an advanced signalling post.

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John Arthur Peter Waugh
Lincolnshire Regiment MEDJEZ-EL-BAB WAR CEMETERY J. A. Peter Waugh, Captain, The Lincolnshire Regiment, was the son of Colonel Fred A. Waugh, Sudan Police Force, and Mrs. Waugh. Born on 29th January 1921, he came to Watson's from Rosary Priory, Bushey Heath, Herts., in 1930 and left in 1939 to enter Sandhurst, from which he was gazetted to the Lincolns. In 1940 he was A.D.C. to General Montgomery. In January 1943 he went out to N. Africa with the 6th Battalion of his regiment, and died of wounds on 21st March 1943.

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William C. Webster Royal Scots att S.R. A son of Mrs. Webster, Edin., was born in 1890, and attended G.W.C. 1899-1905. Joining the R.S. as a Pte., he was attached to the S.R. Reported missing on Mar. 18, 1917, he was subsequently presumed killed, June 20, 1918.