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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Robert Thomson
Royal Scots EDINBURGH (PORTOBELLO) CEMETERY A son of Mr. G. Thomson, Portobello, was born in 1888, and became a pupil at G.W.C. in 1898. On leaving School he entered his father's firm, Messrs. Thomson and Porteous. In 1915 he joined the Inns of Court O.T.C., London, and was gazetted to the 1/10th R.S. For a considerable time he acted as bombing instructor at North Berwick. Prevented by illness from proceeding overseas earlier, he landed in France in Sept. 1918, where he was attached to the 2nd R.S. with the rank of Lt. While gallantly leading his platoon into the Hindenburg Line during the great attack on Sept. 27, he was severely wounded, and died in Wandsworth Hospital, London, Sept. 20, 1919. He is interred at Portobello Cemetery.

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William Thomson
S.R. Not Known The eldest son of Mr. W. B. Thomson, Wishaw, was born in 1894, and attended G.W.C. 1904-9. He went to Canada in 1911 and was engaged in banking. On the outbreak of war he joined P.P.C.L.I. Gazetted to the S.R. in 1915, he saw service in France, was invalided home and died at Regina, Canada, Jan. 10, 1917.

William Thomson
Royal Scots HELLES MEMORIAL The elder son of the late R. Thomson, Jedburgh, was born in 1895, and attended G.W.C. 1905-12. On leaving he became an apprentice C.A. He won the Watsonian Cross-Country Club Cup, 1913-14, played for Newington and Lismore XVs., and was a member of the Portobello Rowing Club and the Watsonian 1910 Club. Joining the 4th R.S. in 1914 as a Pte., he fell in the fighting at the Dardanelles, June 28, 1915, at the battle of Gully Ravine.

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William Gilmour Thomson
RNVR LEE-ON-SOLENT MEMORIAL William G. Thomson, Sub-Lieutenant, (A), Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, and Pilot Officer, Fleet Air Arm, was the son of the late Sir William J. Thomson, 11 Learmonth Terrace, Edinburgh, former Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh, and Lady Thomson. On leaving Watson's in 1931 he attended Fettes College for some years, thereafter joining Messrs. Leyland Motors Ltd, as a student apprentice. On the outbreak of war he entered for the Fleet Air Arm, but was not called up until April 1940. For the six months prior to his calling up he was working in Armstrong Siddeley's Aircraft Department in order to get experience in engine and aircraft construction. He passed out as a Pilot Officer in January 1941 and served for some months on the Ark Royal, being on this ship when she went down in the Mediterranean. He was afterwards transferred as Sub-Lieutenant R.N.V.R. to the Aircraft Carrier H.M.S. Hermes, and was killed in action against the Japanese in the Bay of Bengal on 9th April 1942.

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James Gordon Thorburn
Royal Horse Artillery ALAMEIN MEMORIAL James G. Thorburn, Second Lieutenant, Royal Horse Artillery, was the only son of the late Captain J. Thorburn, R.F.C., and of Mrs. Jean Thorburn, 46 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. Born on 10th April 1917, he entered Watson's from St. Trinnean's School in 1925 and left in 1929 for Dalhousie Castle School, proceeding from there to Glenalmond, where he played in the 1st XV. On leaving school he entered the firm of Messrs. Thomson, Dickson & Shaw, W.S., Edinburgh, and graduated B.L. at Edinburgh University. He was for a time a playing member of the Watsonian Rugby and Cricket Clubs. He was killed in action in May 1941.

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James Middlemass Thorburn
R.A.F. CABARET-ROUGE BRITISH CEMETERY, SOUCHEZ A son of Mr. W. Thorburn, Tweedsmuir, was born in 1885 and entered G.W.C. in 1890, where he distinguished himself on the football field. Joining a firm of builders he had excellent business prospects before him. He held a commission in the Forth R.G.A. and while stationed on the Forth Defences rose to the rank of Major, but relinquished his rank to join the R.A.F. His machine was brought down in flames behind the German lines, Feb. 1917.

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William Thorburn
Canadian Contingent EDINBURGH (NEWINGTON, OR ECHO BANK) CEMETERY A son of Mr. W. Thorburn, Tweedsmuir, was born in 1883 and entered G.W.C. in 1889. He served in the Lanarkshire Imperial Yeomanry during the Boer War, transferred to the Rough Riders, saw much service in South Africa and was invalided home. He enlisted at Toronto in P.P.C.L.I., and came over with the 1st Canadian Contingent, crossing to France in Dec. 1914. Wounded at Bailleul, he died at Craigleith Hospital Mar. 22, 1915.

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Henry James Turnbull
King's Liverpool Regiment THIEPVAL MEMORIAL A son of Mr. A. W. Turnbull, Portobello, was born in 1878, and attended G.W.C. 1890-93. On leaving he entered the office of the German Consul, Leith. In 1899 he became English correspondent to an electrical firm at Hohenhinburg, Westphalia, where he stayed for three years. Returning to this country he became salesman to a firm of Liverpool timber importers, and travelled over Europe. He was gazetted to the King's Liverpool Regt. in June 1915, and, crossing to France in Apr. 1916, was killed while leading a charge, Sept. 25, 1916.

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Ernest Gilbert Turner
Royal Scots ARRAS MEMORIAL A son of the late G. P. Turner, Edin., was born in 1893, and attended G.W.C. 1900-8. He was captain of Cluny XV. 1914-15. On the outbreak of war he joined the Watsonian Training Corps and passed into the ranks of the R.S. He went overseas in Feb. 1915, and was gazetted in Nov. for skilful leadership, resulting in the capture of 63 Germans, and also for rescuing wounded comrades under fire. He attained the rank of Capt. and was awarded the D.S.O. He fell in action Apr. 12, 1917.

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Joseph Edward Turner
Royal Scots THIEPVAL MEMORIAL The son of Mr. J. F. Turner, Edinburgh, was born in 1894, and entered G.W.C. in 1902. His health was indifferent and for that reason his schooling was sadly interfered with. In 1914 he was preparing to attend Edin. Univ. with a view to studying modern languages. Though physically unfit he was among the first to join the C. of E. (15th Bn.) R.S. in Sept. 1914, and going with the Bn. to France he fell near La Boiselle on July 1, 1916.

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