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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Alan Reginald Sumpton
R.A.F. EDINBURGH (WARRISTON) CREMATORIUM Alan R. Sumpton, Sergeant Pilot, Royal Air Force, was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Sumpton, 11 Morton Street, Joppa. Born on 16th September 1921, he attended Watson's from 1926 to 1939 and gained a notable reputation as a cricketer with both bat and ball when playing for the 1st XI during the three seasons 1937-8-9. Shortly after taking up Quantity Surveying as a career, he joined the R.A.F. in May 1940. He had just completed his training at Montrose and had gained his wings, when he was killed in an air accident on 4th March 1941.

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Charles Frederick William Sutherland
R.F.C. BRAY MILITARY CEMETERY The second son of the late D. Sutherland, Edin., was born in 1879, and entered G.W.C. in 1887. On leaving School he entered the service of the North British and Mercantile Insce. Coy., but emigrated to Canada in 1904. Returning home, he enlisted in the Sportsman's Bn. R.F. and was sent to France. He was killed in action on the Somme front on Aug. 7, 1916.

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John Macintyre Sutherland
Royal Scots LEVEL CROSSING CEMETERY, FAMPOUX Born at Ayr in 1879, and attended G.W.C. 1890-91, where he gained a bursary which took him to Fettes College. A distinguished scholar at that institution, he passed to Edin. Univ. in 1898, the holder of Fettes Exhibition, and winner of a Grierson bursary at the Open Competition in Arts. After graduating M.A. with 1st Class Hons. in Classics in 1902, he became an assistant master in Glasgow Academy. Joining the 9th R.S. in Jan. 1916, he crossed to France in the following July, holding the rank of 2/Lt. He was killed in action at Roeux, near Arras, Apr. 23, 1917.

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Stuart Robertson Sutherland
Mahratta Light Infantry SOKOTO CEMETERY Stuart R. Sutherland, Lieutenant, The Wiltshire Regiment, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. R. Sutherland, Burma Forestry Service, was born on 16th June 1920. Entering Watson's in 1926, he proved an excellent all-rounder and gained his 1st XV and Athletic Colours. At the outbreak of war he gave up his forthcoming school captaincy to join the Seaforth Highlanders, and received his commission in the Wiltshire Regiment two months later. He was accidentally killed in Nigeria in November 1942.

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George Harry Swan
R.S.F. FLATIRON COPSE CEMETERY, MAMETZ Was born in 1895, and entered G.W.C. in 1909. He left to study science at Edin. Univ. in 1913. On the outbreak of war he abandoned his studies and was granted a commission as 2/Lt. in the R.S.F. in Oct. 1914. After a period of strenuous service in France, he fell in action at Bazentin le Grand, July 14, 1916.

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Robert John Swan
R.F.A. HANNESCAMPS NEW MILITARY CEMETERY The only son of Mr. R. Swan, Edin., attended G.W.C. 1899-1904. He trained as a teacher, was in St. Bernard's School in 1911, and at the outbreak of war enlisted as a Tpr. in the L. and B. H. In 1917 he trained for a commisson in the R.F.A., and served in Italy and France. He was killed on March 28th 1918.

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David Stevenson Sword
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders BROWN'S COPSE CEMETERY, ROEUX The youngest son of Mr. W. Sword, Leith, was born in 1895, and attended G.W.C. 1900-11. He took a keen interest in the athletics of the School, and was for two years in the O.T.C. On leaving he entered his father's business, but enlisted the A. and S. H. in 1916, transferring shortly afterwards to the M.G.C. Ordered abroad in Apr. 1917, he fell on July 14.

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George Stuart Syme
R.H. ARRAS MEMORIAL The only son of Mr. G. Syme, was born at Aberdeen in 1895, and was a pupil at G.W.C. 1904-11. In business as a clothier when war broke out, he enlisted as a Pte. in the A. and S. H. in 1915, and was transferred in the following year to the 7th R.H. He served in France 1916-18, taking part in the actions at Bapaume and Cambrai, and was twice wounded. During the German Offensive in 1918 he was reported missing on Mar. 22, and later presumed killed in action on that date.

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Ian Cleasly Taylor Royal Scots BANCOURT BRITISH CEMETERY A son of Dr. J. C. Taylor, Las Palmas, was born in 1896, and attended G.W.C. 1910-13. He had intended to study medicine, but after war was declared he joined the Army, being gazetted to the 8th R.S. as 2/Lt. in Sept. 1917. He was killed on Dec. 6, 1917.

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Thomas Reekie Morrison Taylor
R.S.F. ROCLINCOURT MILITARY CEMETERY The only son of Mr. R. Taylor, Edin., was born in 1898, and attended G.W.C. 1903-14. He took a keen interest in sport and won prizes at the Games. He received a prize for seven or eight years' perfect attendance, and was a member of the O.T.C. He had begun his career as a dentist when in 1915 he enlisted as a Pte. in the 9th R.S., and in 1917 was gazetted to the R.S.F. He saw service in Palestine and in 1918 came to France with the 52nd Div. He fell near Vimy, Aug. 14,1918.

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