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Name Regiment Buried Biography

John Cranston Stewart
RCS MADRAS WAR CEMETERY, CHENNAI John C. Stewart, Dispatch Rider, Royal Corps of Signals, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Cranston H. Stewart, 79 Findhorn Place, Edinburgh, was born on 17th February 1921. A pupil at Watson's from 1927 to 1937, he joined the firm of Messrs. Waddie & Co. Ltd., Stationers, Stockbridge, Edinburgh, and thereafter entered the service of Messrs. Macniven & Cameron, Ltd., Edinburgh, with whom he remained until September 1939. Having joined the T.A. in February 1939, he was mobilised in September, and served in Burma as a dispatch rider. As the result of an accident he died in the British Military Hospital, Bangalore, India, on 30th May 1946.

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John Rattray Chalmers Stewart
Parachute Regiment MEDJEZ-EL-BAB MEMORIAL John R. C. Stewart, Captain, The Parachute Regiment, son of Mr. and Mrs. Colin C. H. Stewart, 5 Mount Road, Wallasey, Cheshire, was born on 3oth June 1919. Entering Watson's from Somerville Preparatory School, Cheshire, in 1931, he left in 1935 to join the firm of Messrs H. A. Lane & Co., Provision Merchants, Liverpool. Enlisting in the Cheshire Yeomanry as a trooper, he was commissioned in May 1939 to the 8th King's Regiment, The Liverpool Irish. In January 1942 he transferred to the ist Battalion, The Parachute Regiment, saw service at Dakar, and was killed in action in N. Africa on 28th November 1942.

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Ralph Marshall Stewart
Royal Scots HELLES MEMORIAL The second son of Mr. G. Stewart, Edin., and brother of George Lothian Stewart, was born in 1896, and attended G.W.C. 1901-11. On leaving School he entered a shipping firm in Leith, and in Nov. 1914 joined the 4th R.S. He went with his Bn. to Gallipoli, where he fell on June 28, 1915, at Gully Ravine.

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Robert Graham Stewart
Australian Infantry From the class of 1909 He served in Gallipoli and France in the 2nd and 54th Australian Infantry from 1915. He died 2 April 1922 as a result of gassing aged 30.

Tudor St. John Stobie
Canadian Infantry MENDINGHEM MILITARY CEMETERY A son of Mr. W. Stobie, S.S.C., was born at Innerleithen in 1890. After finishing his education at G.W.C., which he attended 1903-5, he engaged in banking. Two years later he emigrated to Canada. He crossed to France with the C.E.F. as a Pte. in the 10th Canadian Bn., afterwards being promoted Cpl. Severely wounded at Passchendaele on Nov. 9, 1917, he died on Nov. 11 at No. 12 C.C.S. after an operation which unhappily proved unsuccessful.

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Ian Stracey
Royal Scots GENT CITY CEMETERY Ian Stracey, Captain, The Royal' Scots, son of the late Mr. H. J. Stracey and Mrs. Stracey, 15 Leven Terrace, Edinburgh, was born on 12th June 1918. Entering Watson's from Edinburgh Academy in 1929, he left in 1936 to join the firm of Messrs. James Findlay & Co. Ltd., General Merchants, Glasgow. Enlisting at the outbreak of hostilities, he received his commission in The Royal Scots in March 1940 and gained rapid promotion, ultimately being appointed Senior Liaison Officer in his brigade. He was killed in a motor accident near Ghent on 27th June 1945.

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Donald Balfour Strachan
SAMC KNIGHTSBRIDGE WAR CEMETERY, ACROMA Donald B. Strachan, O.B.E., Lieutenant-Colonel, South African Medical Corps, was the eldest son of the late Dr. Robert Strachan, M.B.E., J.P., Germiston, Transvaal, S. Africa. Born on 11th December 1898, he attended Watson's from 1910 to 1916, when he entered Edinburgh University to commence his medical studies. From 1917 to 1918 he served as a Second Lieutenant in the Royal Garrison Artillery, and, on resuming his studies, graduated M.B., Ch.B. at Edinburgh University in 1924. Returning to S. Africa in 1926, he took up practice in Germiston, and joined the S.A.M.C. in 1932. After service in Abyssinia and N. Africa, for which he received the O.B.E. and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, he was accidentally killed at Sidi Rezegh, Egypt, on 19th November 1941.

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William James Strachan
R.A.F. RANGOON WAR CEMETERY William J. Strachan, Flying Officer, Royal Air Force, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Y. Strachan, 7 Strathfillan Road, Edinburgh, was born on 29th June 1925. Attending Watson's from 1930 to 1943, he joined the R.A.F. and received his initial training at St. Andrews and in Canada. Commissioned on 2nd March 1945, he was sent to India in August of that year and was killed in an air crash at Pegu, Burma, on 28th March 1946

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Robert Alexander Stuart
Cameron Highlanders LOOS MEMORIAL The fourth son of the Rev. W. Stuart, M.A., Burnshill, Cape Colony, was born in 1893. Attending G.W.C. 1901-8, he was for four years a member of the XI., being Captain in 1908, and played in the XV. for several years. After leaving he studied law, but continued his association with Watsonian athletics. He joined the 7th Cameron Hrs. in Sept. 1914 with his brother W. G.,' and soon became a very capable officer. He fell mortally wounded at Loos, Sept. 25, 1915.

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William Grant Stuart
Cameron Highlanders FAUBOURG D'AMIENS CEMETERY, ARRAS Was born in 1888, and attended G.W.C. 1901-8. Taking a high place in all spheres of the School activities, he Captained the School and the XV. in 1907, being besides a fine cricketer and a Sgt. in the O.T.C. Leaving for Edin. Univ. in 1908, he became a prominent Watsonian athlete and gained a place in the Scottish International XI. Graduating with Hons. in Classics, he was about to enter the Civil Service when war broke out. He joined the 7th Cameron Hrs., and gained his Captaincy on the field at Loos. He was awarded the M.C., and fell in action soon afterwards, May 1917.

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