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Name Regiment Buried Biography

James William Harvey Steuart
Royal Scots ECCLESMACHAN CEMETERY Was born at Broxburn in 1895, and attended G.W.C.1902-11. Adopting banking as his profession, he served two years of his apprenticeship before enlisting in the 16th R.S. as a Pte. in 1914. Crossing to France in Jan. 1916, he was present at the battle of the Somme in July of that year, and served continuously with his Bn. till Apr. 1917, when he was seriously wounded at the battle of Arras. In Mar. 1918 he was gazetted 2/Lt. and posted to the 9th R.S. Returning to France in Oct. 1918, he was attached to the 1/7th R.S. and served with that unit till Dec. Discharged in May 1919 disabled, he died at Bangour War Hospital, May 12, 1920.

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Frederick F.A. Stevenson
R.N.R. CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL Born in 1896, was the only son of Dr. Stevenson, Galashiels. He was educated at Galashiels Academy and G.W.C. 1912-13, where he was a member of the O.T.C. On leaving School he joined the Mercantile Marine, but in Apr. 1915 volunteered for service in the Navy. Appointed Midshipman in the R.N.R., he eventually was gazetted Sub-Lt. After serving at Gallipoli from June 1915 till the Evacuation, he was engaged on work in connection with transport in Mesopotamia, and was mentioned in Despatches. Transferred to H.M.S. Perth, he was killed in action off Cape Finisterre, Oct. 1, 1918.

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John Scott Stevenson
R.E. HARINGHE (BANDAGHEM) MILITARY CEMETERY The youngest son of the late W. H. Scott Stevenson, Edin. College of Agriculture, was born in 1895, and educated at G.W.C. 1904-13. He was a Sgt. in the O.T.C., a member of the Literary Club, and won many bursaries and prizes. He studied civil engineering at Edin. Univ. On the outbreak of war he obtained a commission in the 8th R.S. and went to France in 1915. He served with the 51st (High.) Div. till 1916, when he was invalided home. During the following year he was transferred to the R.E., and in 1918 served with the 9th Div., in which his brother was D.A.Q.M.G. In the great Advance beyond Ypres he was wounded and gassed, and died Oct. 9, 1918.

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Tom Stevenson
Royal Scots RAPERIE BRITISH CEMETERY, VILLEMONTOIRE Born in 1890, was the only son of Mr. J. St. Clair Stevenson, Edin. After receiving his early education at G.W.C., he passed to Leys School, Cambridge, in 1903. Later he joined his father in business at 60 Princes St. Having enlisted in the 9th R.S., he won speedy promotion, and was gazetted to his own Bn. in 1915. A year later he rose to the rank of Lt. With the 51st Div. he engaged in much severe fighting in France and fell at Villemontoire, south of Soissons, Aug. 1, 1918. A brilliant golfer, as a member of Bruntsfield Links Golfing Society he won all the Bruntsfield Scratch Trophies in 1913, with the exception of the Autumn Medal, and in that year and in 1914 took part in the Amateur Championship.

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Alexander Charles Stewart
Army Cyclist Corps OUTTERSTEENE COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION, BAILLEUL The only son of Mr. W. F. Stewart, Turriff, was born in 1886, and entered G.W.C. when eleven years of age, leaving in 1903 as Dux of the School. He graduated with 1st Class Hons. at Edin. Univ., studied in Paris, for a time was Classical Master in Nicholson Institute, Stornoway, and entered the service of the British Museum, where he did distinguished work. When war broke out he enlisted in the London Scottish, was transferred to the Inns of Court O.T.C., gazetted to the Army Cyclist Corps, and went to France in Apr. 1916. He attained the rank of Capt., and was instantaneously killed near Bailleul, Apr. 12, 1918, while tending a wounded fellow officer.

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Douglas Marshall Stewart
Royal Scots EDINBURGH (GRANGE) CEMETERY A son of Mr. J. Stewart, Edin., was born in 1894, and went through G.W.C. 1902-12. He was in the O.T.C., 1907-12, and left with the rank of Col.-Sgt. He began the study of agriculture, and previous to the war was gazetted to the 4th R.S. He went with his unit through the Gallipoli, Egyptian, and Palestine campaigns 1915-17 and rose to the rank of Capt. He was wounded in the head at the third battle of Gaza on Nov. 2, 1917, and died in Edinburgh on Jan. 3, 1919.

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Duncan McArthur Stewart
Indian Army KEREN WAR CEMETERY Duncan M. Stewart, Captain, Mahratta Light Infantry, only son of Mr. P. M. Stewart, Indian Police, and Mrs. Stewart, Dharwar, India, was born on 27th September 1916 and came to Watson's from Westley House, Forfar, in 1924. Leaving in 1934, he entered Sandhurst and was gazetted Second Lieutenant in the Indian Army. He was killed in action in Africa in March 1941.

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George Lothian Stewart
Royal Scots CABARET-ROUGE BRITISH CEMETERY, SOUCHEZ The eldest son of Mr. G. Stewart, Edin., was born in 1894, and attended G.W.C. 1900-10, when he left to enter his father's stationery business. He was connected with the School Scout Troop, a member of the Cluny XV., and a Territorial. Mobilised on the outbreak of war, he was rejected for foreign service owing to defective eyesight. He had risen to the rank of L/Sgt. when he got a commission in his regiment. He was again rejected for foreign service before being allowed to go to the front in Oct. 1916. He fell in action at Arras on Apr. 9, 1917, and is buried at Blangy.

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George Ronald Stewart
R.A.F. RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL George R. Stewart, Flight Sergeant, Royal Air Force, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart, Valleyview, Jedburgh, was born on 8th May 1921. Entering Watson's from Jedburgh Grammar School in 1937, he was a member of the school golf team in 1939 and that year played in the Boys' Golf Championship at North Berwick. Instead of entering the Civil Service as he had intended to do, he volunteered for the R.A.F., did his preliminary training in the U.S.A., Canada, and South Africa, served as a navigator in Bomber Command, and was killed in action in March 1944.

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Ian Adam Stewart
R.A.F. RHEINBERG WAR CEMETERY Ian A. Stewart, D.F.C., Squadron Leader, Royal Air Force, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stewart, 85 Ashley Terrace, Edinburgh, was born on 27th February 1918. Entering Watson's from Gillsland Park School in 1927, he left in 1936 to join the firm of Messrs. Fairbairn, Lightbody & Cownie, Surveyors, Edinburgh. He was a member of the North British Rowing Club and East of Scotland Skating Rink. Joining the R.A.F. in May 1939, be received his commission shortly after the outbreak of war and because of his outstanding merit as a bomber pilot he was soon promoted to the rank of Squadron Leader. He took part in many big raids over Germany and was awarded the D.F.C. in May 1941. He was killed in action in a raid over Germany in October 1942.

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