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Name Regiment Buried Biography

David Campbell Smith
R.A.F. LONGUENESSE (ST. OMER) SOUVENIR CEMETERY D. Campbell Smith, Sergeant Pilot, Royal Air Force, was the only son of the late Mr. E. L. Smith and Mrs. Smith, now Mrs. G. Harris, 10 Merchiston Bank Gardens, Edinburgh. Born on 23rd December 1922, he attended Watson's from 1927 to 1941. One of the original members of the school A.T.C. Squadron, he joined the R.A.F. and lost his life in an air accident in February 1945.

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James Montague Smith
Royal Scots HELLES MEMORIAL The eldest son of the late Dr. J. Smith, Edin., was born in 1892, and studied at G.W.C. 1898-1910, where he gained conspicuous successes in his classes, being Dux of Vth Classical 1908-9. In the College O.T.C. he gained the rank of Col.- Sgt., was Scoutmaster of Watson's Troop, a notable swimmer, and Secy. of the Literary Society 1909-10. In his medical studies he won many distinctions. He was Secy. to the Edin. Univ. Liberal Association, a well-known debater in the Watsonian 1905 Club and Univ. Union, and associated with E.U.O.T.C. He was gazetted to the 5th R.S. in 1911, and was chosen to command the M.G. Section at Gallipoli, where his regiment suffered severely. He was killed in action May 5, 1915.

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John Batten Smith
R.A.F. DURNBACH WAR CEMETERY J. Batten Smith, Pilot Officer, Royal Air Force, was the son of the late Mr. John Smith, 1 Addison Place, Arbroath, and of Mrs. Smith, now Mrs. G. J. Carter, Glencairn Estate, Norwood, Ceylon. Born on 5th February 1922, he entered Watson's from Arbroath High School in 1935. He was awarded his 1st XV and 1st XI Colours at school. Leaving in 1941, he joined the R.A.F. and was killed in action over Germany on 31st March 1944 along with a fellow-Watsonian, Allan H. Ross

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John Thomson Smith
Winnipeg Rifles PUCHEVILLERS BRITISH CEMETERY The eldest son of Mr. A. Smith, Edin., was born in 1892, and attended G.W.C. 1906-9. On leaving he trained in the Royal Bank of Scotland, and passed to the Royal Bank of Canada. He was a keen cricketer and golfer. On the outbreak of war he enlisted in the Winnipeg Rifles, crossed with the 1st Canadian Contingent, and fought at Ypres and on the Somme. He was wounded at Festubert and at the Somme, and died at a clearing station, Sept. 8, 1916.

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Lawrence Alexander Smith
Royal Scots HIGHLAND CEMETERY, ROCLINCOURT A son of Mr. L. Smith, Edin., was born in 1894, and educated at G.W.C. 1899-1909, going up the Classical side, and figuring prominently in bursary and prize lists. On leaving he entered the service of the British Linen Bank, and was preparing for his final examination when war broke out. In Nov. 1914 he joined the R.S., and went overseas in Feb. 1915, rising to the rank of Platoon Sgt. For over two years he passed unscathed through the thick of the fighting, but was killed by a sniper on Apr. 9, 1917.

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Sydney Smith
East Surrey Regiment DERNANCOURT COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION The youngest son of the late J. Smith, Colinton, was born in 1880, attended G.W.C. 1888-97, and on leaving took up banking as his profession. As a Volunteer he joined the R.S. in 1891, and in 1899 became a member of the Bankers' Coy. In 1914 he received a commission in the East Surrey Regt., and went to France in 1915. He was wounded at Loos, and on returning was promoted Capt. In July 1917 he was invalided home, but returned to the front again in 1918, and joined the 8th East Surrey Regt. at Albert, where he was killed shortly afterwards.

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William Munro Ross Smith
RCS BECKLINGEN WAR CEMETERY William M. R. Smith, Signalman, Royal Corps of Signals, was the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith, 9 Viewforth, Edinburgh. He attended Watson's from 1930 to 1941, when he entered the service of The London Assurance, Hope Street, Edinburgh. Joining the Royal Corps of Signals in 1943, he landed with the 52nd Division on Walcheren Island, and saw action in Holland and Germany. He was killed in action in the Division's advance on Bremen on 19th April 1945 at the age of nineteen.

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William Spencer Smith
K.O.S.B. THIEPVAL MEMORIAL The only son of the late W. T. Smith, Lecturer in Psychology, Edin. Univ., was born in New England in 1896, and was educated at G.W.C. 1906-14, coming up the Classical side. He was interested in the Scout movement and a member of the O.T.C., in which he attained the rank of Cpl., and was reserve to the Brock Shield winning team. In Aug. 1914 he joined the 4th R.S., received a commission in Oct., and devoted his spare time to drilling the College O.T.C. After a special course of training at Sandhurst, he was gazetted to the K.O.S.B. in 1915. Crossing to France in Apr. 1916, he was killed on July 23 of that year.

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John Scott Smyth
R.A.F. REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY John S. Smyth, Flying Officer, Royal Air Force, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Smyth, Birgham, Coldstream, was born on 4th November 1904. Entering Watson's in 1917, he left in 1921 to farm at Birgham. He was well known in motor-cycle racing circles and had competed in the Scottish championships. He was also a well-known swimmer and a prominent member of Coldstream Hockey Club. On joining the R.A.F. he was in succession rear-gunner with Coastal Command and observer with Ferry Command. He was killed in action on the night of 16th September 1942 and is buried at Krefeld, Germany.

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Claude Donald Someren van
M.G.C. ARRAS MEMORIAL Born in 1890, and entered G.W.C. in 1899. He trained on H.M.S. Conway, but later went to the Malay States, where he became manager on a rubber estate, and was most successful. He came home in Sept. 1915, and enlisted in the London Scottish. Obtaining his commission in the M.G.C. he went to France in Dec. 1916, and was reported 'missing, believed killed in action,' Mar. 21, 1918.

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