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Name Regiment Buried Biography

William Gordon Sherriff
Duke of Connaught's Rifles MOUNTAIN VIEW CEMETERY, VANCOUVER,BRITISH COLOMBIA, CANADA The elder son of Mr. T. Sherriff, Blackhall, was educated at G.W.C. On leaving in 1897 he became an apprentice C.A. He joined Baden Powell's South African Constabulary, and served through the Boer War. On his return he accepted an appointment in West Africa, where he remained for five years. He next held a post at Vancouver, became Lt. in the Duke of Connaught's Rifles, and afterwards Capt. of the William Head Quarantine Station. On demobilisation he fell a victim to influenza and pneumonia, Jan. 21, 1919. An enthusiast in sport, he was President of the 'Jericho ' Swimming Club, and a keen tennis and golf player.

Harry Elliot Shortreed
Canadian Infantry WINNIPEG (BROOKSIDE) CEMETERY The elder son of Mr. W. Shortreed, Galashiels, was born at Hawick in 1884. A pupil at G.W.C. 1899-1901, he was engaged for three years after leaving School in the export -and import produce trade in London. Emigrating to Canada in 1904, he settled in Saskatchewan, where he was farming when war broke out. Enlisting in the 53rd Bn., C.E.F., in 1915, he had been promoted Cpl. when he died of pneumonia in 1916 at Winnipeg Hospital.

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James Randolph Steedman Sidey
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders VIS-EN-ARTOIS MEMORIAL The only son of the late C. J. Sidey, Leith, and grandson of Dr. Sidey, Edin., was born in 1893, and attended G.W.C. 1903-10. Joining the 14th A. and S. H. in 1915, he was sent to France in June 1916. There he acted as cycle orderly at Headquarters, but, wishing for more active service, he went into action and fell at Villers, Sept. 20, 1918.

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William Skinner Royal Scots TYNE COT MEMORIAL Was born in 1887 and entered G.W.C. in 1901. Joining the Army in 1914, he obtained a commission in the 12th R.S., and went to France with the first Div. of Kitchener's Army. During a long period of service with the 51st Div., he was wounded three times, and was killed near Kemmel in May 1918. A few days after his death he was awarded the M.C. for excellent work during the Somme fighting.

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Thomas Mylne Skirving Lothian and Borders Horse NIDDRIE MARISCHALL BURIAL GROUND A son of Mr T. M. Skirving, was born in 1892 and entered G.W.C. in 1900. He enlisted in the L. and B. H., attaining the rank of Sgt., and died of fever in Nov. 1917.

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John Slater
Lancashire Fus DERNANCOURT COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION The only son of the late J. Slater, Edin., was born in 1888, and entered G.W.C. in 1897. He completed his education at the City of London School. He trained as a surveyor, and became a Professional Associate of the Surveyors' Institute in 1912. He joined the K.R.R.C. as a Pte., and receiving a commission in the Lancashire Fus. in Mar. 1917, went to the Western Front in May. He was wounded in moving forward with his platoon, and died Mar. 26, 1918. A volume of his letters edited by his sister was noticed in the Watsonian, Dec. 1918.

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Hugh Templeton Slight
Gordon Highlanders BANNEVILLE-LA-CAMPAGNE WAR CEMETERY Hugh T. Slight, Captain, The Gordon Highlanders, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Slight, 21 Foxley Lane, Purley, Surrey, and formerly of Singapore, was born on 28th September 1917. He came from Singapore to Watson's in 1926 and left in 1936. After a year in France he entered Downing College, Cambridge, and later became indentured with a London firm of Chartered Accountants. While in London he joined the Queen Victoria Rifles, T.A., from which he was commissioned to The Gordon Highlanders in December 1941. He was killed in action in Normandy when leading his company on 16th July 1944.

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Gordon Smart Essex Yeomanry BURNHAM-ON-CROUCH CEMETERY Born in 1876, was educated at G.W.C. 1886-92. After serving his apprenticeship as an architect, he went to London, where he achieved a reputation as a draughtsman and designer. In 1901 he enlisted in the 2nd Bn. I.Y., and served during the S. African War, being discharged with the rank of Cpl. In 1914 he joined the Essex Yeomanry, and for his bravery during a retreat was mentioned in Despatches and promoted L/Cpl. and afterwards Sgt. Later he was gassed at Ypres, and while on sick leave at home developed acute pneumonia, of which he died at Burnham-on-Crouch, where he had formerly resided and engaged in his pastime of yachting.

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Adam Davidson Smith
Royal Scots CERISY-GAILLY MILITARY CEMETERY Born in 1889, was the son of Mr. A. D. Smith, Edin., and attended G.W.C. 1898-1906. He trained as a banker and became a member of the Bankers' Institute. On the declaration of war he joined the 4th R.S., with which unit he saw fighting at Gully Ravine in Gallipoli, 1915. Invalided home, he was twice offered his discharge, but after a long convalescence was given a commission in his own regiment. He went to France in May 1918, came unscathed through several severe engagements, but fell on Oct. 2, near Sequehart.

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Alexander Cooper Smith
Royal Sussex Regiment THIEPVAL MEMORIAL A son of Mr. J. K. Smith, Leith, was born in 1891 and attended G.W.C. 1902-7. After taking technical classes at Heriot-Watt and Glasgow Technical Colleges, he became associated with his father in business at Leith. He enlisted in the Scots Guards in 1914 and went to France. Obtaining a commission in the Royal Sussex Regt., he saw much fighting on the Somme, where he was wounded. He fell in action in 1916 while leading an assault on Pozieres.

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