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Name Regiment Buried Biography

William Henry Scurr
Gurkha Rifles RANGOON WAR CEMETERY William H. Scurr, Lieutenant, The Gurkha Rifles, was the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Scurr, 342 Morningside Road, Edinburgh. Born on l0th February 1924, he attended Watson's from 1934 to 1939. Volunteering for army service, he was commissioned in the Indian Army and posted to the Gurkha Rifles. He was killed in action on 28th April 1945.

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James F. Selkirk
R.N.R. Not Known Attended G.W.C. 1890-95. He played football, cricket, tennis and golf, and was fond of angling. On leaving School he went to Edin. Univ., where he graduated M.B. Ch.B. in 1900 and M.D. in 1904. Subsequently he was House Physician at Worcester General Infirmary and House Surgeon afterwards at Chichester and York County Hospital. He thereafter had an extensive practice at Shipley, Yorkshire, and was also Poor Law Doctor and Hon. Surgeon of the Saltaire Hospital. At the outbreak of war he joined the R.N.R., and was doctor on board a vessel of the Booth line which brought war munitions from U.S.A. He died of internal haemorrhage.

Howard S. Seton
London Scottish LAGNICOURT HEDGE CEMETERY A direct descendant of the Setons of Port Seton, and second son of Mr. G. R. Seton, London, was born in 1895, and attended G.W.C. 1907-8. On moving to London he became associated with the London Scottish, being mobilised with his Bn. and sent to France in Sept. 1914. After three years' service he was instantaneously killed by a shell landing on his shelter. He was buried at Lagnicourt on the Somme. He had a reputation as a keen footballer, a splendid all-round athlete, and thorough sportsman.

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Ian Herbert Croal Shannon
R.H. LE TOURET MEMORIAL The elder son of the Rev. J. A. Shannon, Markinch, was born in 1895, and attended G.W.C. 1909-11, where he won prizes yearly in his various classes. He afterwards studied electrical engineering at the Royal Technical College, Glasgow, and was employed with Messrs. J. Howden and Coy. when war broke out. At School and College he played cricket, football, and golf, and was fond of natural history. He joined the 7th R.H. and was attached to the M.G. Section. Crossing to Flanders, he was killed at Festubert on June 16, 1915, while attending to a wounded comrade.

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James Finlayson Shaw
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders TYNE COT MEMORIAL A son of the late J. Shaw, factor, Breadalbane Estates, was born in 1897 at Rannoch, and attended G.W.C. 1909-13. On leaving School he joined the staff of the Leith Dock Commission. Enlisting as a Pte. in the 11th A. and S. H. in Nov. 1915, he was sent to France, and was in action at Martinpuich during the Somme battle in 1916. In the spring of the following year he took part in the severe fighting at Arras. Promoted L/Cpl. in Aug. 1917, he was reported missing together with the bombing party which he was commanding on Aug. 22 at Ypres. He was subsequently presumed killed in action on that date.

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John Donald Shaw
Royal Scots VAUXBUIN FRENCH NATIONAL CEMETERY Was born in 1887 and attended G.W.C. 1902-5. After leaving School he served a legal apprenticeship, and qualified in 1911, shortly afterwards joining Mr. W. X. Hislop, W.S., in partnership. Obtaining a commission in the 3/9th R.S. in 1915, he went to France in 1916, and served continuously till he was killed instantaneously on July 26, 1918.

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John James McIntosh Shaw
RAMC CAIRO WAR MEMORIAL CEMETERY J. James M. Shaw, M.C., Croix de Guerre with Star, Colonel, Royal Army Medical Corps, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Shaw, Leith, was born at Port Glasgow in 1885, and attended Watson's from 1894 to 1902. Entering Edinburgh University, he graduated M.A. in 1906, M.B. in 1909, M.D. in 1913 and F.R.C.S. Edinburgh. During the first world war he served in France as a Major in the R.A.M.C., was awarded the M.C. and the Croix de Guerre with Star, and was twice mentioned in dispatches. In his subsequent career he became one of Edinburgh's leading surgeons and a foremost pioneer in plastic surgery, besides devoting much attention to the use of radium and X-ray Therapy in the treatment of malignant disease. On both of these subjects he made many contributions to medical literature. On the outbreak of the second world war he was appointed Consultant Surgeon to the British Army in the Field, and in the early summer of 1940 went overseas as Consulting Surgeon to the Forces in the Middle East. He died in Egypt in September 1940 of an acute attack of dysentery.

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Tom Shaw Canadian Contingent HOOGE CRATER CEMETERY Born in 1869, entered G.W.C. in 1881. He was in Canada when war broke out, and crossed to France as a Pte. in the 1st Canadian Contingent. He was wounded at Ypres in May 1915, and was reported killed in Aug. 1916.

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William Vaughan Shaw
Scots Guards PLOEGSTEERT MEMORIAL The youngest son of the late J. Shaw, Leith, was born in 1890, and educated at Bonnington Academy and G.W.C. (which he joined in 1900), Dollar Academy, and Edin. Univ. He was an enthusiast in the Scout movement, and keenly interested in social work among the Newhaven Boy Scouts and in the Cowgate Mission, where he was a gifted speaker and untiring worker. He enlisted in the Scots Guards in Aug. 1914, and was killed in action in Flanders on Dec. 18, 1914

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William Ramsay Shepherd Canadian R.H. AUBERCHICOURT BRITISH CEMETERY Was born in 1887, and entered G.W.C. in 1897. On leaving School he was apprenticed to an engineering firm in Chelmsford, but owing to a breakdown in health he emigrated to Canada in 1911. At the outbreak of war he gave up his farm at Saskatoon, and enlisted as a Pte. in the 13th Bn. Canadian R.H. After a long time of service in France, he fell in action Oct. 20, 1918. He was a grandson of the late T. B. Johnston, of Messrs. W. and A. K. Johnston, Edin.

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