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Name Regiment Buried Biography

William Tweeddale Saidler
R.F.C. WARLENCOURT BRITISH CEMETERY The younger son of Major J. W. Saidler, Forth R.G.A., was born at Edinburgh in 1896, and attended G.W.C. 1903-13. He intended entering the Civil Service. Joining the R.S. in Aug. 1914, his four years' experience in the College O.T.C. gained him a commission in the R.G.A. Appointed to a Siege Bty., he left for France with the rank of Capt. and served through the engagements of 1917. A taste for aeronautics induced him to join the R.F.C., and he qualified as an observer. He was killed in a bombing raid near Bapaume, Mar. 26, 1918.

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Alexander Mundell Sandison
R.M. ST. SEVER CEMETERY, ROUEN Born in 1893, was the second son of Mr. J. Sandison, J.P., Shetland. Educated at G.W.C., he was a Prefect and Captain of Cockburn House 1st XV. Rejoined the L. and B. H. four weeks after the outbreak of war, and proceeded to France in 1915. He was recommended for a commission, and was gazetted 2/Lt. in the Royal Marines. He was in the team which won the E. Lothian Inter-Regt. Cross-Country Race, and also gained many other athletic distinctions. In France he was in the winning team in the Cross-Country Race of the 25th Div. He died on Feb. 28, 1917, from wounds received in action.

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Michael George Cameron Scanlon
R.A.F. EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY Michael G. C. Scanlon, Sergeant Air-gunner, Royal Air Force, was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Scanlon, 14 Crarae Avenue, Ravelston Dykes, Edinburgh. Born on 26th July 1920, he attended Watson's from 1933 to 1938, when he left to join the staff of the Bank of Scotland. Volunteering for service with the R.A.F., he was killed on active service in April 1942 after many operational flights over Germany and occupied territory.

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Robert Stubbs Scarlett
Royal Scots WANCOURT BRITISH CEMETERY Born in 1896, was the son of Mr. T. A. Scarlett, Leith, and attended G.W.C. 1906-13, where he was identified with the Scout movement. He became a student in the East of Scotland Agricultural College. In the ranks of the R.S. he served in France, was wounded July 1, 1916, and invalided home. In 1917 he obtained a commission in the same regiment, and on Dec. 20 was killed near Cherisy.

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Charles McGregor Sclater
Royal Dragoons WIMEREUX COMMUNAL CEMETERY A son of Mr. J. Sclater, Edin., was born in 1890, and attended G.W.C. 1897-1905. He enlisted in the Royal Dragoons in 1911. Holding the rank of Cpl. he served in France in 1914 with 7th Div. He was mortally wounded on May 15, 1915, and died on May 23.

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Henry J. Scott
Cameron Highlanders ANNAN CEMETERY The second son of Mr. A. Scott, W.S., Annan, was born there in 1889, and educated at Annan, Bridge of Allan, and G.W.C. 1903-6. On leaving he joined the service of the Scottish Insurance Corporation, where he rose to be inspector for West Cumberland and Dumfriesshire. He played for Annan C.C. and Carlisle F.C. He joined 'Sandy' Morrison's Peace River Expedition, but the war brought him home, and he joined the Cameron Hrs., subsequently receiving the rank of Lt. He saw fighting at Festubert, Givenchy, and Loos, where he was fatally wounded. He died at Rouen, Sept. 28, 1915.

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Leonard Goldie Scott
RN PORTSMOUTH NAVAL MEMORIAL Leonard G. Scott, Coder, Royal Navy, son of Mr. James Scott, and the late Mrs. Scott, 6o Murrayfield Avenue, Edinburgh, was born on 3rd March 1920. Coming to Watson's in 1928, he left in 1937 to enter the Leith Walk, Edinburgh, Branch of the National Bank of Scotland Ltd., and later served at the Slateford Branch. Joining the Royal Navy early in 1940, he trained at Skegness camp and was posted to H.M.S. Bluebell, a corvette employed on escorting convoys in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Northern waters. On 17th February 1945 the Bluebell was sunk by enemy action with almost all hands in Russian waters.

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Robert Finlay Scott
RA BENGHAZI WAR CEMETERY Robert F. Scott, Lance-Sergeant, Royal Artillery, was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Scott, 39 Lauderdale Street, Edinburgh. Born on 17th July 1910, he attended Watson's from 1915 to 1927, when he became indentured as an apprentice in the firm of Messrs. Barstow & Millar, Chartered Accountants, Edinburgh. He was admitted to membership of the Society of Accountants in Edinburgh in 1933, and until the outbreak of war was on the accounting staff of Messrs. Alex. Cowan & Co . Ltd., Penicuik. He was killed in action in the Middle East on Christmas Day 1941, when serving with a heavy anti-aircraft battery.

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Alexander Graham Scougal
Royal Scots NINE ELMS BRITISH CEMETERY A son of the late Dr. A. E. Scougal, H.M.I.S., was born in 1888, and entered G.W.C. in 1895. He then went to Glasgow Academy. Graduating with Hons. in Classics at Edin. Univ., he attended New College for two years, but broke off his studies to take up teaching, and; after training in Moray House, became Classical Master in Edin. Institution. He was keenly interested in the New College Settlement, and ran a model Boys' Brigade. Enlisting in the 4th R.S., he soon was commissioned to the 17th Bn. and gained his Captaincy. In France he rose to command the Bn., and gained the M.C. On Sept. 18, 1918, he fell in action in France, on the day previous to his brother's death.

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Frank William Scougal
Highland Light Infantry DOIRAN MILITARY CEMETERY An elder brother of above, was born at Melrose in 1884, and attended G.W.C. and Glasgow Academy. He took his B.Sc. in engineering at Glasgow Univ., and spent some time at work in Glasgow. Then he studied Theology at the New College, Edin., was assistant in the North U.F. Church, Aberdeen, and in 1911 went to Manchuria as Guild Missionary. When war broke out he returned and joined the S.R. He gained his commission and went to France in 1915, thence to Salonika as Lt. in the H.L.I. He was promoted Major, and won the M.C. for gallantry in attending the wounded. On Sept. 19, 1918, he was killed in action against the Bulgars.

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