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Name Regiment Buried Biography

William Moore Rose
Scots Guards PORTSDOWN (CHRIST CHURCH) MILITARY CEMETERY The only son of Mr. J. Rose, Edin., was born in 1893, and entered G.W.C. in 1898, where he was latterly a pupil on the Commercial side. In Mar. 1910 he joined the Scots Guards. He took an active interest in all sports, especially cricket and football. A crack shot, he gained the Daily Telegraph Cup for his Bn. in 1913. After war broke out he was only about a month on the Western Front when wounded at Dixmude. He died at Cosham, Dec. 3, 1914.

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Harry Rosembloom
Royal Scots POZIERES MEMORIAL Born in Edin. in 1898, was the eldest son of Mr. I. Rosenbloom, jeweller. He attended G.W.C. 1904-13, and on leaving entered his father's business. In Sept. 1915 he enlisted in the 14th A. and S. H. as a Pte., and served in that Bn. till 1917, when he was transferred to the 3rd A. and S. H., holding the rank of L/Cpl. Reverting to Pte. on going overseas to France in Aug. 1917, he was transferred to the 11th R.S. While defending the line between Fins and Heudicourt during the German Offensive, he was posted as wounded and missing, Mar. 22, 1918, and later presumed killed on that date.

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Alexander Aitken Ross
3rd Lowland Field Amb. EDINBURGH (NEWINGTON, OR ECHO BANK) CEMETERY The second son of the late Lt.-Col. A. A. Ross of the Leicester Regt., was born at the Curragh in 1861. His infancy was spent in Nova Scotia, but, brought to Edin. as a boy, he entered G.W.C. in 1871, and proceeded to Edin. Univ., where he graduated M.B. C.M. in 1893. He settled in the Newington district, and soon had a large practice. From 1908 he commanded the 3rd Low. Fd. Amb. At the outbreak of war his time had just about expired, but he willingly consented to its extension. He went into training with his unit at Stirling, and in July 1915 passed to service at the Dardanelles, where his health gave way under the excessive strain. He was invalided to Malta, then to England, and died in hospital in London, Nov. 24, 1915.

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Alexander Tullis Ross
Highland Light Infantry EDINBURGH (MORNINGSIDE) CEMETERY Alexander T. Ross, Second Lieutenant, Highland Light Infantry, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ross, 10 Braid Avenue, Edinburgh. Born on 31st March 1915, he came to Watson's from Viewpark School in 1921 and left in 1931 to enter the firm of Messrs. MacVitties Guest & Co. Ltd., Edinburgh, of which his father is a Director and of which he himself became a Director in 1941. Joining the K.O.S.B. in 1940, he was subsequently gazetted Second Lieutenant in the H.L.I. He lost his life in an accident at Maryhill Barracks, Glasgow, on 27th July 1942.

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Allan Henry Ross
R.A.F. DURNBACH WAR CEMETERY Allan H. Ross, Flight Sergeant, Royal Air Force, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. G. Ross, 52 Elliot Road, Edinburgh. Born on l0th October 1921, he received his early education at Rothesay Academy. After attendance at Watson's from 1933 to 1937, he left to take up an appointment in Edinburgh with the British Linen Bank. Volunteering for service in the R.A.F. in July 1941, he received his training in Britain and Canada, and became a Bomb-aimer with Bomber Command in March 1943. He was killed in action over Germany on 31st March 1944 and is buried with the other members of the crew, including John Batten Smith at Bad Tolz near Munich.

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Finlay M. Ross
Royal Scots RAPERIE BRITISH CEMETERY, VILLEMONTOIRE The son of the late Rev. John Ross, D.D., was born at Moukden, Manchuria, in 1893. He attended G.W.C. 1900-12, playing football and drilling in the O.T.C. He then went to study forestry at Edin. Univ., where he was attached to the R.E. division of the senior O.T.C. Joining the 9th R.S. in Sept. 1914, he went to France, whence he returned for a commission. Returning to France he was severely wounded in a raid in which he won the M.C. After a period of home service in 1918, he again went to France, and as A/Capt. fell while leading his company in Margin's assault round Soissons on Aug. 1, 1918.

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James M. Ross
London Scottish YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL Was educated at G.W.C. He adopted a commercial career, becoming manager of a department in the firm of Messrs. Grosvenor, Chater, and Coy., paper makers and wholesale stationers, London, an appointment which he resigned in 1914 to join the 1st London Scottish as a Pte. Early in France, he was present at the battle of Messines. Reported missing on the following day, he has since been presumed killed in action. He was a member of the London Watsonian Club.

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Ian Ramsay Russell
S. African Contigent WARLENCOURT BRITISH CEMETERY The son of Mr. J. R. Russell, Edin., was born in 1882, and entered G.W.C. in 1897. On leaving he joined the staff of the Scottish Provident Institution, and shortly afterwards went to Rhodesia. He had been a keen Volunteer, and was Sgt. in one of the Midlothian Artillery Mounted Batteries. He joined the 1st S. African Contingent in 1915, and came unscathed through the heavy fighting at Delville Wood. He fell in the raid at the Butte-de-Warlencourt on the Somme, Oct. 18, 1916.

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William Russell
Royal Scots HELLES MEMORIAL The only son of Mr. J. Russell, Edin., was born in 1880, and educated at G.W.C. 1900-6. A keen lover of sport, he played in Watsonian 'A' and ' B ' teams in season 1906-7. He entered the service of Messrs. Bruce, Peebles and Coy., and rose to be head of the estimating department. An ardent Volunteer member of the Q.E. Cyclist Coy., he entered the R.S., and was gazetted Capt. in 1914. An expert with sword and bayonet, he competed in several Military Tournaments in London. Called up on July 27, 1914, after training with his Bn., he landed at the Dardanelles, Apr. 25, 1915, and six days later was killed in a bayonet charge.

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Robert Whitton Glendinning Rutherford
Royal Scots HELLES MEMORIAL The youngest son of Mr. G. Rutherford, Coldstream, was born in 1880 and entered G.W.C. in 1892. He came up the School on the Commercial side, and was Medallist in Modern Languages in 1896. He went into finance, and was managing clerk in a firm of stockbrokers at the date of mobilisation. An enthusiast in sport, he played Rugby for Trinity XV. Joining the 4th R.S. in 1900, he was commissioned in 1904, and gained his Captaincy in 1907. He was an expert in the military art from transport to military law, and was instructor in signalling in 1908. While leading his men in a bayonet charge at the Dardanelles, he fell June 28, 1915.

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