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Name Regiment Buried Biography

John Brewis Robertson
R.H. ABBEVILLE COMMUNAL CEMETERY The son of Mr. J. Robertson, Edin., was born in 1892, and studied at G.W.C. 1899-1909. He left to study dentistry, and had just finished his course when war broke out. Joining the E.U.O.T.C. in Sept. 1914, he was gazetted to the R.H. Feb. 1915, and was in France in Sept. He was promoted Capt. in June 1916, was severely wounded in the Somme battle, and died in hospital June 17, 1917.

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John Charles Robertson
Rhodesian AF HARARE (PIONEER) CEMETERY John C. Robertson, Sergeant Pilot, Rhodesian Air Force, son of the late Mr. James Robertson, C.M.G., and Mrs. Robertson, 2 Ashley Court, Salisbury, S. Rhodesia, was born on 10th July 1912. Coming to Watson's in 1923, he left in 1929 to enter Edinburgh University, where he graduated B.Sc. in Forestry in 1932. Returning to Rhodesia in 1934, he joined the Imperial Tobacco Company. In 1935 he won the Salisbury Golf Championship. Joining the R.A.F. in August 1941, he had just qualified for his wings when he was killed in an air accident near Salisbury on 4th April 1942.

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Lennox Fraser Robertson
Vancouver Battalion EDINBURGH (MORNINGSIDE) CEMETERY The son of the late Rev. J. Robertson, Edin., entered G.W.C. in 1891, coming up the Classical side with credit to himself and the School. Like his brothers he was a keen athlete, figuring in the School teams and in the 2nd Watsonian XV. He graduated at Edin. Univ., went to Canada in 1907, and on the outbreak of war joined the Vancouver Bn., which went to France in Oct. 1915. After much hard fighting he was wounded on the Somme, brought home, and died in Aberdeen, Sept. 19, 1916.

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Thomas Durham Robertson
R.A.F. EDINBURGH (CORSTORPHINE HILL) CEMETERY Thomas D. Robertson, Flying Officer, Royal Air Force, was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robertson, Struan, 76 Belgrave Road, Corstorphine, Edinburgh. Born on 28th January 1916, he attended Watson's from 1923 to 1931, when he entered the service of the Bank of Scotland, latterly at the Head Office, Edinburgh. He was an enthusiastic Rugby player in the school teams and Corstorphine Rugby Club. Joining the volunteer reserve of the R.A.F. before the war, he was mobilised in 1939, and was in one of the first thousand aircraft to drop bombs over Germany. He was killed on active service in January 1943.

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William Moore Robertson
Royal Scots RAMLEH WAR CEMETERY The son of Mr. W. Robertson, Edin., was born in 1886, and entered G.W.C. in 1896. On leaving he occupied a responsible position in a stockbroker's office. Enlisting as a Pte. in 1914 in the 9th R.S., he later received a commission in the 5th R.S. He went to France, and was in the second battles of Ypres and St. Julien in Feb. 1915. He took a draft to Egypt in Jan. 1917, and was sent to Palestine, where he won the M.C. for great gallantry at Gaza, Nov. 12, 1917. Though wounded, he carried on for four days before he fell.

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James Stewart Rodgerson
Canadian Infantry VILLERS STATION CEMETERY, VILLERS-AU-BOIS A son of the late Rev. Mr. Rodgerson, was born in 1890 and attended G.W.C. 1903-6. After leaving School he studied engineering in Germany, and later emigrated to Canada. A/Lt. in the Can. Exped. Force, he was killed on May 23, 1917.

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George Rutherford Ronaldson
R.S.F. HOOGE CRATER CEMETERY The third son of the late P. Ronaldson, C.A., F.F.A., Edin., was born in 1899 and attended G.W.C. 1904-14. During his last two sessions at school he served in the O.T.C. He joined the 4th R.S. as a Pte., but on going overseas was transferred to the 2nd R.S.F. On Nov. 29, 1917, he fell near Ypres.

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John Stein Ronaldson
Cameron Highlanders FAUBOURG D'AMIENS CEMETERY, ARRAS A brother of above, was born in 1897, and attended G.W.C. 1904-14. On the outbreak of war he enlisted in the R.S., and went through the Dardanelles campaign till he was severely wounded and sent home to recruit. For his gallantry and daring he was awarded the medal of St. George, 3rd Class. After getting thoroughly fit, he went to a Cadet School, was commissioned to the Cameron Hrs., and, shortly after his return to the firing line, was killed during an attack.

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Patrick Henry Dudgeon Ronaldson
RA SAI WAN WAR CEMETERY Patrick H. D. Ronaldson, Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, was the son of the late Mr. Peter Ronaldson, C.A., F.F.A., and Mrs. Ronaldson, Corstorphine, Edinburgh. Born on 8th March 1912, he entered Watson's in 1917 and left in 1929 to study at the Edinburgh College of Art, where he had a brilliant record, graduating A.M.T.P.I. and A.R.I.B.A. In June 1936 he was awarded an Andrew Grant Travelling Scholarship. After training at an O.C.T.U. at Ilkley in 1940, he received his commission, went to India and from there to Malaya. Wounded and taken prisoner at Singapore, he contracted diphtheria and dysentery and died at Taiwan on 9th January 1943.

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William Rose
Highland Light Infantry ARRAS MEMORIAL Was educated at G.W.C., where he was a first-class shot and a good shinty player. He passed to Edin. Univ. as a medical student, and on the outbreak of war rejoined the R.S., later obtaining a commission in the H.L.I. In 1915 he was drafted to the front, and, after being twice wounded, he fell in the Spring Offensive of 1917.

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