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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Peter Bruce Nevil Stapely Prentice
Fleet Air Arm LEE-ON-SOLENT MEMORIAL Peter B. N. S. Prentice, Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, Fighter Pilot, Fleet Air Arm, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Prentice, 27 Roman Road, Castle Hill, Steyning, Sussex. Born on 17th August 1922, he attended Watson's from 1934 to 1939, when he proceeded to London University. Joining the Fleet Air Arm in 1941, he was commissioned Fighter Pilot in 1942, and was killed in action at Salerno, Italy, on 9th September 1943.

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Charles Thomas Price
Highland Light Infantry RAMLEH WAR CEMETERY Born in 1897, was the son of Mr. C. Price, Glasgow, and received his early education at G.W.C. When his family moved to Glasgow in 1903, he was associated with Glasgow High School and Academy. He joined the Glasgow Highlanders when 17, receiving his commission in the H.L.I. in 1914, and in 1917 went East, where, after seeing a good deal of fighting in Palestine, he was killed in the operations preceding the capture of Jerusalem.

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Owen Douglas Price
R.A.M.C. EDINBURGH (GRANGE) CEMETERY Was born in 1892, and attended G.W.C. 1897-1910, where he played in the 1907-8 XV., and figured prominently in swimming, golf, and tennis. He was an enthusiastic member of the O.T.C., and attained the rank of Sgt. in it. He graduated in Medicine in 1915, was gazetted to the R.A.M.C., and distinguished himself in West Africa. He then joined the 55th Div. in France, but was recalled home by the sudden death of his father. In 1918 he again volunteered, and saw the conclusion of hostilities with his old Division. In a base hospital he contracted influenza, and, coming home, fell a victim to pneumonia, Dec. 10, 1918.

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Arthur Stanley Pringle
S.R. LOOS MEMORIAL Was born in 1877, and entered G.W.C. 1886. Thereafter he studied at Cambridge Univ., where he graduated B.A. Returning to Edin. in 1899, he studied law, obtaining the degree of LL.B. in 1902. In Sept. 1914 he obtained a commission, and speedily rose to the rank of Capt. in the 10th S.R. (Cameronians). Crossing to France in July 1915, he fell at the battle of Loos, Sept. 26, 1915.

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Douglas William Lindsay Pritchard
R.F.A. BULLY-GRENAY COMMUNAL CEMETERY, BRITISH EXTENSION Was born in 1897, and attended G.W.C. 1905-12. On leaving he entered the firm with which his grandfather, the late W. N. Lindsay, grain merchant, Leith, was so honourably associated. He was for a time Assistant Scoutmaster to the 7th Leith Troop. Gazetted to the R.F.A. in Dec. 1916, he was soon in the firing line, and was killed on 27th July 1917, while controlling the fire of his Bty.

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George Purves
Royal Scots or Manitoba Regiment ABBEVILLE COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION The third son of Mr. J. C. Purves, Edin., was born in 1884, and attended G.W.C. 1889-1900, when he entered his uncle's business, Messrs. Hall and Dunbar, Leith. Later he proceeded to Bristol, and while there was appointed manager of the Standard Chemical Coy., Montreal. For reasons of health he subsequently took up ranching in Alberta, but on the outbreak of war joined the 9th R.S. as Lt. He received his Captaincy in Jan. 1916, and in Sept. reached the rank of Major. Severely wounded on Oct. 8, he died in hospital on Oct. 11, 1916. He was awarded the M.C. after his death for splendid work done in connection with his battalion.

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Albert Ernest Pyper
Seaforth Highlanders ST. SEVER CEMETERY EXTENSION, ROUEN Was born at Belfast in 1883. He entered G.W.C. in 1894, leaving in 1901 to enter the office of a firm of stockbrokers. Later he went to London, where he was in business for himself. While in Edinburgh he was captain of the Cluny XV. He enlisted in 1916 in the Seaforth Hrs., and soon after was in France. The severe winter of 1916 was too much for his constitution, already weakened by illness. He died of dysentery, Feb. 16, 1917

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George Stevenson Raine
R.F.C. HAMPSTEAD CEMETERY Was born in 1892, and attended G.W.C. 1904-7. Business thereafter took him to London, where he was for five years in the ranks of the London Scottish. On returning to Edinburgh he joined the R.S., and went overseas with his battalion in 1915. He received a commission and was gazetted to the R.F., but transferred to the R.F.C. He was accidentally killed while flying on Mar. 15, 1917.

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Charles Stuart Raison
Canadian Infantry LONDON CEMETERY AND EXTENSION, LONGUEVAL Was a son of the late Capt. W. Raison, and soon after leaving School emigrated to Canada, where he was a member of the Toronto Watsonian Club and interested in all that concerned his old School. He enlisted on the outbreak of war, and came to the 'Old Country' with the 2nd Canadian Contingent, and saw about one year's service in France before he made the supreme sacrifice.

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Alexander Redmayne Raitt
2nd Rajputs BASRA MEMORIAL Was born in Carlisle in 1892, and spent most of his early days in India. He entered G.W.C. in 1902, and remained till 1910, in which year he was in the 1st XV. In 1911 he passed first on the list into Sandhurst, and from there in 1912 to the Unattached List for the I.A. After being attached to the Seaforth Hrs., he was gazetted to the 2nd Rajputs in Nov. 1914. He served with his regiment in Egypt, and afterwards in Mesopotamia, where he was in General Aylmer's relieving force for Kut. On Mar. 8, 1916, he was killed in the action of Es Serin. He was proficient in Hindustani, a good soldier and a valuable officer.

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