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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Charles Alexander Peden
Royal Scots Fusiliers WARLINCOURT HALTE BRITISH CEMETERY, SAULTY The son of Mrs. Peden, Edin., attended G.W.C. 1894-1902, and, being in indifferent health, took up farming and went out to Australia in 1912, where he was doing well when war broke out. He enlisted in the M.G.C., A.I.F., in Mar. 1915, and left Melbourne in May for Gallipoli. He was on board the S.S. Southland when she was torpedoed, and was picked up by a French destroyer and landed at Mudros. Invalided to Malta, then sent to Melbourne, he was back in Europe in Aug. 1916. He was drafted to France, and fell on Mar. 17, 1917.

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David Tweedie Peffers
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders WANCOURT BRITISH CEMETERY The elder son of Mr. D. Peffers, Edin., was born in 1896, and attended G.W.C. 1907-12, when he left to study surveying and engineering. He showed promise at School in his studies, and was a keen member of the Cricket Club. In the early days of the war he enlisted in the R.S., and in 1917 was gazetted to the A. and S. H. Posted to a battalion holding part of the line on the Western Front, he was instantaneously killed by a shell.

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Andrew James Penman
R.A.F. ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Andrew J. Penman, Pilot Officer, Royal Air Force, was the elder son of Alderman and Mrs. A. J. Penman, 121 Queen's Road, Wimbledon, London, S.W.19. Born on 5th February 1910, he entered Watson's from King's College, Wimbledon, and left in 1927 to study at London University, where he graduated B.Sc. in Economics in 1931. He commenced his business career as Secretary to his uncle's company, Messrs. J. Penman, Ltd., Twickenham. Joining the R.A.F. in 1940, he served in the North Africa campaign and was killed in action near El Alamein on the night of 9th October 1942.

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James Pirie
RE BELGRADE WAR CEMETERY James Pirie, Captain, Royal Engineers, elder son of the late William Pirie and Mrs. Pirie, 23 East Trinity Road, Edinburgh, was born on 19th May 1920, and came to Watson's from Bonnington Academy, Leith, in 1930. Leaving in 1937, he entered the City Engineer's office of the Edinburgh Corporation, and was studying at Edinburgh University with a view to taking his B.Sc. degree in civil engineering when war broke out. Enlisting in the R.E., he rose to the rank of Captain and was engaged in commando operations on the island of Brac off Yugoslavia when he was killed in action in June 1944

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Ellis Gledhill Pitcairn
R.H. HARINGHE (BANDAGHEM) MILITARY CEMETERY Born in 1890, was a son of the late J. E. Pitcairn, General Manager of the Edin. and Dist. Tramways Coy., and attended G.W.C. 1903-6. He served some time with the Scottish Insurance Corporation, and then joined the clerical staff of the Falkirk Herald. In 1913 he was appointed manager of one of the rubber estates of the Moopley Valley Coy. In 1915 he came home to enlist and rose to the rank of Capt. in the R.H. He was sent to France, then to Salonika and again to France, where he succumbed to pneumonia, Oct. 9, 1918.

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Thomas Pollard
RA BAYEUX WAR CEMETERY Thomas Pollard, Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. M. Pollard, 10 Crawfurd Road, Edinburgh, was born on 6th August 1920. He first attended Watson's from 1929 to 1930. Owing to change of residence he was a pupil at Whitgift Grammar School, Croydon, from 1930 until 1933, when he returned to Watson's. A keen member of the O.T.C., he became C.Q.M.S. in 1937 ; he was also a member of the school golf team and gained his 2nd XV Colours. Leaving in 1938 to take up Chartered Accountancy, he joined Edinburgh University S.T.C. and volunteered for military service in 1939. He was commissioned in the Anti-Tank Regiment, R.A., and died of wounds in action in Normandy on 2nd August 1944.

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William Porteous King's Liverpool Regiment PERONNE ROAD CEMETERY, MARICOURT The only son of Mr. J. Porteous, Edin., was born in 1889, and entered G.W.C. in 1896. He then entered the service of the Northern Assurance Coy., and received an accountantship in the Liverpool branch in 1913. On the outbreak of war he enlisted in the King's Liverpool Regt., and served in France and Belgium as Cpl. from Feb. 1915 till Aug. 7, 1916, when he was killed in action, and was buried at Maricourt.

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William Henry Gray Porteous
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders THIEPVAL MEMORIAL The second son of the late A. Porteous, Edin., was born in 1880, and entered G.W.C. 1887, where he was conspicuous both in the classroom and sports. He went into stockbroking, and was Exchange clerk in two firms in succession. When war broke out, he joined the Watsonian Training Corps, and then enlisted in the A. and S. H. Offered a commission, he declined, thinking himself of more value in the trenches, though crippled with rheumatism. He fell in the Somme battle, Oct. 12, 1916.

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John Colin Preacher
Cameronians MILSBEEK WAR CEMETERY John C. Preacher, Lieutenant, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), only son of the late Mr. William Preacher and Mrs. Preacher, 61 Morningside Park, Edinburgh, was born on 25th August 1914 and entered Watson's in 1920. Leaving in 1927, he went to Stanley House, Bridge of Allan, and from there to St. Bees School, Cumberland, where he remained until 1932, gaining his 1st XV and ist XI Colours. Returning to Edinburgh, he graduated B.L. at Edinburgh University and became an S.S.C. Volunteering for service, he was called up in January 1940 and joined the R.A.S.C., in which he reached the rank of sergeant. After training in an O.C.T.U. he was commissioned in The Cameronians and went overseas with his battalion in October 1944. He took part in the battle of Walcheren Islands, and was killed in action at Gennep, Holland, on 3rd March 1945.

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J.A. Webster Prentice
Dragoon Guards BOULOGNE EASTERN CEMETERY The youngest son of Rev. A. Prentice, late of New Craighall, was born at Joppa in 1885, and attended G.W.C. 1892-1901, when he was awarded the Watsonian Silver Medal for Scholarship and Athletics on the Commercial side. He gained his 2nd XV. cap, and was Golf Champion in 1899 and 1900. Trained in the Norwich Union Insurance Office, he went to South Africa in 1905. He was several times South African Golf Champion. On the outbreak of war he relinquished a good situation and returned to Britain to enlist as a Pte. in the 3rd Dragoon Guards. He went to the front Nov. 30, 1914, and was mortally wounded while holding a post in the fighting at Hooge, June 6, 1915.

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