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Name Regiment Buried Biography
Ernest Leyde Canadian Infantry ETAPLES MILITARY CEMETERY A son of Mr. O. Leyde, R.S.A., was born in 1872, and entered G.W.C. in 1881. He was in Canada when war broke out and crossed as a L/Cpl. with the Canadian Contingent. He died of wounds received in action Apr. 8, 1916.

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Charles William Lindsay
Cameron Highlanders CROMARTY CEMETERY The only son of Mr. W. Lindsay, Edin., was born in 1898, and attended G.W.C. 1903-16. A member of the O.T.C. for several years, he attained the rank of L/Cpl. A keen footballer, he was Captain of the 2nd XV., and he was also a fine elocutionist. Enlisting in the 8th Cameron Hrs. in June 1916, he was about to be sent to a Cadet School when he was seized with scarlet fever at Nigg. Complications developed, and he died in hospital, Nov. 27, 1916, and was interred in the Naval and Military Cemetery, Cromarty.

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William Irvine Linklater
R.F.A. MARTINSART BRITISH CEMETERY The younger son of Mr. W. Linklater, late of S. Shields, now of Edin., was born in 1898, and attended G.W.C. 1909-16, where he had a distinguished career as a scholar. He was likewise a good athlete and a member of the O.T.C. He gained a high place in the Open Bursary Competition at Edin. Univ., and was awarded a Heriot Bursary in 1916. Commissioned to the R.F.A. from the Artillery Unit of E.U.O.T.C. in Aug. 1917, he went to France the next month. While acting as forward liaison officer in the British front line, he was struck by a shell, and was killed instantaneously at Martinsart, Apr. 5, 1918.

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Thomas Corbett Lockie
R.N. PEEBLES CEMETERY The eldest son of Mr. J. Lockie, C.E., Leith, was born in 1882, and entered G.W.C. in 1889. He served his apprenticeship as an engineer at Leith, and took part in the S. African War 1900-2 in the 19th Imperial Yeomanry. Entering the service of the White Star Line in 1902, he got his Chief Engineer's certificate. He was on the staff of Messrs. Merrilees, Watson and Coy., Ltd., Glasgow, in 1914. Joining the Navy in 1915 with the rank of Engineer Lt., he died at Chatham on Oct. 7, 1918, of injuries received from an internal explosion on board H.M.S. Glatton. He was a Member of the Institute of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland, and a Member of the Institute of Marine Engineers, London.

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Laurance John Loftus
A.I.F. KRANJI WAR CEMETERY John L. Loftus, Private, Australian Imperial Forces, was the son of the late Major and Mrs. Loftus, 7 Spottiswoode Road, Edinburgh. Born on 23rd June 1910 he was a pupil at Watson's from 1919 to 1927, when he went out to Australia under the auspices of " The Big Brother Movement " to enter Hawkesbury College, Richmond, New South Wales. Qualifying as an accountant while still working long hours on a dairy farm, he entered the employment of one of Lever Brothers' subsidiary companies in Sydney and acted for a number of years as Secretary of the Australia Branch of The Watsonian Club. He was killed in action when fighting with the A.I.F. in Malaya.

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Robert Logan
K.O.S.B. CAUDRY BRITISH CEMETERY The only son of Mr. J. Logan, Birkhill, Earlston, was born in 1893, and after attending St. Mary's, Melrose, and Morrison's Academy, Crieff, was at G.W.C. 1909-10. He was in the XV. and the XI. of that season, and on leaving to enter the service of the Scottish Widows' Assurance Coy., he played for the Watsonian `A' XV. Mobilised as a Tpr. in the L. and B. H., he went to Salonika, and was invalided home with malaria. Gazetted to the K.O.S.B., he did valuable training work as a bombing officer. Crossing to France, he was killed in the fierce fighting round Landrecies, Oct. 20, 1918,

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Edward Longden York & Lancaster Regiment FULWOOD (CHRIST CHURCH) CHURCHYARD The son of Col. Longden, A.P.D., was born in 1868, and attended G.W.C. 1882-86. He obtained the degree of L.R.C.P. and S. in 1893. In 1914 he joined the York and Lancaster Regt. as a Major, and was killed in France.

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Norman Bruce Lothian
King's Canadian Highlanders HINGES MILITARY CEMETERY Was born at Melrose in 1889, and attended G.W.C. 1900-8. sound scholar and a prominent member of the Literary Society, he also played in the School XV. 1906-8. Proceeding to Edin. Univ., he graduated with Hons. in English, took a large share in the social life of the University, and played for the Watsonians in 1910-11 and 1912-13. He had gone to Canada in 1914, only to return with the 1st Contingent as a Pte. in the 15th King's Canadian Hrs. He took part in the second battle of Ypres, and died of wounds received at Festubert on May 15, 1916. His body was buried at Hinges.

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Francis Brunton Love
R.A.F. NEVENDON (ST. PETER) CHURCHYARD The son of the late C. Love, was born at Rosario de Santa Fe in 1899, and attended G.W.C..1909-14. Entering the Spanish Bank in London, he remained there till he attained military age, when he entered the R.A.F. with the rank of 2/Lt. He had almost completed his training when he met with a fatal flying accident, June 20, 1918.

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John Herbert Love
Sikhs MAYNAMATI WAR CEMETERY J. Herbert Love, Lieutenant, The Sikh Regiment, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Love, 187 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh, was born on 28th June 1916 and attended Watson's from 1922 to 1933, when he entered his father's business as a wholesale and retail tobacconist in Queensferry Street, Edinburgh. A pre-war Territorial, he was soon posted to an O.C.T.U. at Colchester, and was commissioned in the 12th Royal Scots, which later became the 2nd Royal Scots. He was selected for service in India and posted to the 11th Battalion, The Sikh Regiment. He was drowned at Comilla, Bengal, on 21st September 1942.

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