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Name Regiment Buried Biography
James Robertson Laidlaw Royal Scots att H.L.I. NIEUPORT MEMORIAL A son of Mr. A. Laidlaw, Edin., was born in 1874, and entered G.W.C. in 1881. He held the rank of Q.M.S. in the 5th R.S. and was attached to the H.L.I. as L/Cpl. Awarded the D.C.M., he was posted as missing in July 1917, and was subsequently reported to have died of wounds Sept. 1918.

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Hugh Blackhall Laird
Yorkshire Regiment THIEPVAL MEMORIAL Was born at Durris, Aberdeenshire, in 1895, and attended G.W.C. 1905-14. A sound scholar and a good athlete, he passed on to New College, Oxford, where, after being in the O.T.C. for a year, he was gazetted to the 2nd Yorkshire Regt. Sent to France in Mar. 1916, he took part in the Somme battle, and was shot by a sniper on July 8, 1916.

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John McNair Lamb
R.F.A. FOREST COMMUNAL CEMETERY The only son of Rev. J. Lamb., B.D., Tenandry, Killiecrankie, and formerly Principal of the Scottish Churches' College, Calcutta, was born at Calcutta in 1899, and attended G.W.C. 1905-15. He excelled in sports, and was in the 1st XV. and XI. for two seasons 1914-16. He was a cadet in the O.T.C., and won the Medal in English for two sessions. Proceeding to Edin. Univ., he began his Arts course and trained in the E.U.O.T.C. He was given a commission in the R.F.A., and attached to 'C' Bty., 82nd Bde. He was killed in action; Nov. 4, 1918, while moving forward a heavy gun to shell a village infested with enemy machine-guns.

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Andrew Allison Law
R.A.F. EDINBURGH (MORNINGSIDE) CEMETERY Andrew A. Law, Pilot Officer, Royal Air Force, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Law, 9 St. Ronan's Terrace, Edinburgh, was born on 23rd November 1916 and entered Watson's in 1929. He left in 1934 to join the staff of The National Bank of Scotland, Ltd., and became a Member of the Institute of Bankers in Scotland in June 1939. Immediately on the outbreak of war he joined the R.A.F. and gained his commission. As captain of a bomber he carried out many successful operational flights, and on one memorable occasion he and his crew spent three adventurous days and nights at sea in a dinghy without food and water. He was killed on active service in September 1941.

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Frank Dean Lawrence P.P.C.L.I. YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL Born in 1881, was a son of the late P. Lawrence, Edin., and entered G.W.C. in 1893. He emigrated to Canada, and after the declaration of hostilities enlisted as a Pte. in P.P.C.L.I. He saw service in France and was killed in action at Ypres.

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James Linton Lawrence
Royal Scots DAOURS COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION The eldest son of Mr. G. Lawrence, Edin., was born in 1879, and entered G.W.C. in 1890. He was an architect by profession, and one of the pioneers of the Scout movement in Edinburgh. He became Organising Secy. for Scotland, and in his official capacity was responsible for raising the Scout platoon in the 1st C. of E. Bn. (15th R.S.). Having previously seen service in S. Africa, where he served as a volunteer with the R.S., he was given a commission as a Lt., and was in Jan. 1915 promoted Capt. He was wounded and gassed at Contalmaison on July 1, 1916. He died of his wounds

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William Lawson
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders GOUZEAUCOURT NEW BRITISH CEMETERY The son of Mr. J. Lawson, S.S.C., was born in 1895, and attended G.W.C. 1907-12. He was a member of the O.T.C. 1908-12, and on leaving, entered the service of the Standard Life Assurance Coy. Enlisting in the 7th Cameron Hrs. in Nov. 1914, he was shortly gazetted to the 14th A. and S. H., and became Lt. in Jan. 1916, and Capt. in Oct. 1916. He was killed in action on Apr. 24, 1917 'in front of the German wire, having by his heroic conduct paved the way for what proved to be a signal success for the Bn. he loved so well.'

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John Leckie
M.G.C. BAC-DU-SUD BRITISH CEMETERY, BAILLEULVAL The youngest son of the late J. Leckie, Edin., was born in 1891, and attended G.W.C. 1897-1908. After serving for a time with the Scottish Temperance Assurance Coy., he went to Edin. Univ., and had half completed a course in Arts and Forestry (B.Sc.), when war broke out. Gazetted from the E.U.O.T.C. in June 1915 to the S. Staffordshire Regt., he transferred to the M.G.C. on its formation in Jan. 1916. His promotion was rapid; Lt. Nov. 1916, Capt. Nov 1917, Major Mar. 1918. Attached to 56th Div., he fought on the Somme, at Arras (twice), and Cambrai, and was four times wounded. He was awarded the M.C. June 1918, and was mentioned in Despatches. In the great Advance he was wounded before Bullecourt and died of wounds Aug. 29, 1918.

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George A.Kenyon Lees
Royal Scots BOOTHAM CEMETERY, HENINEL The youngest son of Mr. J. Kenyon Lees, Edin., was born in 1897, and attended G.W.C. 1904-10. While at school his great hobby was swimming, in which he was very proficient. He won in 1914 the Medal and Certificate of the Royal Life Saving Socy. for rescue and resuscitation work. On leaving School he entered a stockbroker's office. Joining the 4th R.S. in Sept. 1914, he was sent to France in Aug. 1916, but was transferred to the 2nd R.S. (Lewis Gun Section). He was killed in action on Apr. 23, 1917, S.S.E. of Arras.

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David F. Leighton
Scots Guards BEDFORD HOUSE CEMETERY The son of the late D. W. Leighton, Eastern District Telegraph Coy., was born at Chios in the Aegean in 1893, and spent his earlier years in Crete, whither his father had moved. He attended G.W.C. 1906-8, and left to enter the jute trade in Dundee. He held a good appointment in the trade when he enlisted in the Scots Guards in Jan. 1915. He was killed in action in France on Mar. 30, 1916.

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