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Name Regiment Buried Biography

James Wallace Kennedy
S.R. ARRAS MEMORIAL The only son of Mr. J. Kennedy, late cashier, Bank of Scotland, was born in 1895, and attended G.W.C. 1902-11. As a schoolboy he was keenly interested in the College Scouts, and was a member of the O.T.C. He joined the staff of the Bank of Scotland on leaving, and was a member of the R.S. Cadet Corps, holding the rank of Sgt. Gazetted to the 4th S.R. on the outbreak of war, he went to France in Mar. 1916, where he was attached to the lst Bn. as Lt., and subsequently A/Capt. He fell in action on May 27,1917.

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Malcolm Albert Ker
Indian Medical Service BATTERSEA RISE CEMETERY Born in Edin. in 1862, was educated at G.W.C. and Clare Hall Academy. Proceeding to Edin. Univ., he graduated in medicine and passed high into the I.M.S. He saw service repeatedly on the N.W. Frontier, and received four medals with clasps. On the outbreak of war he held the rank of Lt.-Col., and was appointed to the charge of the hospital ship, Loyalty, formerly the C.P.R. liner, Empress of India, presented to the nation by the Indian Princes. He had the ship transformed for service in two months, but his labours had so weakened him that he was ordered home. He died of pernicious anaemia shortly after reaching London, Feb. 24, 1915.

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David Kerr
Royal Scots PEAKE WOOD CEMETERY, FRICOURT The son of Mrs. Kerr, Edin., was born in 1893, and attended G.W.C. 1903-10. He was a keen lover of sport, and his winning disposition made him a great favourite at Myreside. He was in the employment of Messrs. J. and J. Cunningham, Leith. After drilling in the Watsonian Training Corps, he enlisted in the 9th R.S., and was wounded at Ypres, Apr. 1915. Gazetted to the 7th R.S.F. in Sept., he returned to France in Mar. 1916, and was awarded the M.C. He was killed by a sniper at Martinpuich, Aug. 13, 1916, while trying to succour the wounded lying outside the trenches.

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David Chesney Kerr
Royal Scots TYNE COT MEMORIAL The younger son of the late D. Kerr, Edin., was born in 1884, and attended G.W.C. 1893-1901. He was at the outbreak of war E. of Scotland representative for Messrs. Suchard, London. Enlisting in the R.S., he was given a commission in Mar. 1917, and went to France in the following month. On Oct. 12, 1917, he was killed by a shell on the ridge E. of Ypres, as he was laying the tapes for an advance the next morning.

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Henry T.R. Kerr Royal Scots attached Cameron Highlanders LOOS MEMORIAL A son of Mr. H. F. Kerr, A.R.I.B.A., Edin., was born in 1895, and attended G.W.C. 1905-13. He was an apprentice C.A., and enlisted in the 9th R.S. in Nov. 1914. Gaining a commission in the Cameron Hrs. eight months later, he proved himself an excellent officer, and was assistant instructor to the O.T.C. of the Highland Bde. at Catterick. Crossing to France in Feb. 1916, he saw six months' service round Bethune. In a bombing raid on the Hohenzollern Redoubt, June 30, 1916, he brilliantly achieved his object, but failed to return, and died of wounds in the hands of the enemy, July 3, 1916.

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Andrew Brown Kiddie
Gordon Highlanders ST. MANVIEU WAR CEMETERY, CHEUX Andrew B. Kiddie, Lieutenant, The Gordon Highlanders, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. B. P. Kiddie, Craigernie, North Berwick, was born on 2 7th April 1918 and attended Watson's from 1931 to 1934, when he left to join his father's business. Enlisting in the London Scottish on 17th January 1940, he proceeded to an O.C.T.U. at Barmouth, North Wales, and received his commission in The Gordon Highlanders on 30th September 1942. He crossed with his battalion to France on 2 2nd June 1944 and was killed in action in Normandy four days later. He is buried in the Imperial War Graves Cemetery at Bayeux.

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Robert Fyfe Kilpatrick
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders ST. SEVER CEMETERY, ROUEN The only son of the Rev. W. Kilpatrick, M.A., Edin., was born in 1893, and attended G.W.C. 1899-1910. He played in the School XV. of 1909-10, and on leaving played in the Watsonian XV. as forward. He passed his final C.A. examination in 1915, and enlisting in the 14th A. and S. H., went to France a year later. In the Somme battle he was severely wounded on Sept. 15, and died in hospital at Rouen, Sept. 25, 1916.

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Alexander Knox Canadian Infantry BRUAY COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION A son of Mr. A. Knox, Edin., was born in 1886, and entered G.W.C. in 1895. He emigrated to Canada, where, after war broke out, he enlisted as a Pte. in the Canadian Infy. He died of wounds on May 4, 1917.

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Frank Proctor Kyd
East Surrey Regiment att Royal Warwickshires LONSDALE CEMETERY, AUTHUILE A son of the late J. P. Kyd, manager, National Bank of India, Madras, was born there in 1887, and entered G.W.C. in 1901. He left to enter the jute trade in Dundee, and held a post in Calcutta in 1914. Having gained some military experience in the Artillery there, he came home in 1915, and got a commission in the 11th East Surrey Regt. Crossing to France in June 1916, he was attached to the Royal Warwickshires, and fell before Ovilliers in Aug. of that year.

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Ian Douglas Laidlaw
RM BELGRADE WAR CEMETERY Ian D. Laidlaw, Captain, Royal Marines, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Laidlaw, Chartered Bank, Bombay, was born in 1923 and attended Watson's from 1934 to 1940. During his last session at school he was a Prefect, and gained his 1st XV Colours. He studied Engineering at Edinburgh University for a session before entering the Royal Marines, and at Cadet School passed out as " Top Cadet ". Volunteering for duty as a Commando, he took part in the first Sicily landing. He was wounded in November 1943 and again in April 1944, and killed in action in Italy in June 1944.

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