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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Robert Douglas Johnston
RN PLYMOUTH NAVAL MEMORIAL R. Douglas Johnston, Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander, Royal Navy, was the son of the late Mr. R. Johnston, Northern Lighthouse Board, and Mrs. Johnston, Twickenham, Middlesex. Born on 5th June 1909, he attended Watson's from 1917 to 1926, when he entered the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, and the Edinburgh Dental College. On graduating L.R.C.P. & S. and L.D.S., he went into general practice for a time before joining the Royal Navy. His first ship was H.M.S. Hood, in which he served in the Mediterranean. War took him to many places including Suez, Ceylon, Narvik and finally Singapore, where he went down heroically with H.M.S. Prince of Wales on l0th December 1941.

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Robert Oswald Jollie
Canadian Scottish YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL Born at Leslie in 1885, was the youngest son of the late A. Jollie, Lomond View. He entered G.W.C. in 1897, and left in 1903 for the University to take up the study of medicine. He was Captain of the 'Varsity Polo Team 1904-5, and won the Inter-University Sports Swimming Medal (120 yds.) at Aberdeen in 1905. Emigrating to British Columbia in 1910, he remained there till 1914, when, joining the 1st Can. Scottish, he went to France. He was killed at Ypres on Apr. 23, 1915.

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Alexander Wood Kay Canadian Infantry ONTARIO CEMETERY, SAINS-LES-MARQUION The youngest son of the late A. Kay, Edin., was born in 1878, and after a course at James Gillespie's School, he attended G.W.C. 1888-94. On leaving he joined the staff of the Caledonian Insce. Coy., where he remained till 1906, when he went to Canada, and took up farming. In 1914 he joined the 168th Bn. Can. Infy., was drafted to England in 1916, and to France in 1917, and joined the 2nd Can. Infy. He was wounded in Sept. 1917, and fell in action before Cambrai, Sept. 27, 1918. He played in the Watsonian Rovers XV. when in Edinburgh, and attained some eminence as a musical composer.

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George Frederick Kay
Border Regiment EDINBURGH (MORNINGSIDE) CEMETERY The second son of the late J. Kay, wine merchant, was born in Edin. in 1885. Educated at G.W.C. 1890-1902, he afterwards trained as an architectural draughtsman. Joining the 9th R.S. in Sept. 1914 as a Pte., he served in France for two years with his Bn., taking part in the 2nd battle of Ypres. Invalided home in Aug. 1917 with a badly strained heart, he received on recovery a commission in the 7th Border Regt. early in 1918, and again was sent to France. He was wounded in Mar. 1918, and invalided home for the second time. After a further period of service in France from Jan. to Aug. 1919, as O.C. Prisoners of War Coy., he was demobilised in Aug. 1919, with the rank of Lt. He died from illness incurred through war service, Sept. 16, 1919.

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John Telfer Kay
Royal Scots NINE ELMS MILITARY CEMETERY, THELUS Was born in 1885, and entered G.W.C. in 1895. After leaving School, he entered upon a business career, and was latterly agent in Scotland for Messrs. C. and T. Harris, Wiltshire. Joining the army as a Pte. in the 9th R.S., he was promoted L/Cpl. in 1916, and served in France, taking part in the fighting at Vimy Ridge. He was killed in action on Apr. 9, 1917.

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James William Hutchison Kearney
N.Z.R.B. DARTMOOR CEMETERY, BECORDEL-BECOURT The eldest son of Rev. T. R. Kearney, was born in Ichang, China, in 1895. He attended G.W.C. 1902-12, and, on leaving, emigrated to New Zealand, where he took up farming. As a Pte. in the N.Z.R.B. he crossed to France in 1915, and served there till Sept. 16, 1916, when he was severely wounded. On the following day he died of wounds.

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George McFarquhar Kelly-Lawson
R.G.A. BARD COTTAGE CEMETERY The elder son of Mr. D. O. Kelly-Lawson, Jamaica, was born in 1896, and attended G.W.C. 1902-6. He passed on to King's School, Canterbury, where he played in the XV., and was a member of the O.T.C. He was studying for the Army Entrance Examination in 1914, and in Apr. 1915 he passed into Woolwich. Gazetted to the R.G.A. in Oct. 1915, he went to France in Dec., and fell in action Aug. 9, 1917.

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Charles J Kemp
Royal Scots HELLES MEMORIAL A son of Mr. J. O. Kemp, advocate, Edin., was born in 1893, and attended G.W.C. 1909-10. On leaving School he became an apprentice C.A. He joined the 5th R.S., in which he held the rank of Lt., and was reported to have been killed in action.

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James Kemp
Royal Scots GAZA WAR CEMETERY The son of the late J. Kemp, Edin., was born in 1893, and attended G.W.C. 1904-10. He became an apprentice C.A., and was in the 4th R.S. before the war. Mobilised with his Bn., he volunteered for Imperial Service. By Jan. 1916 when he was sent to the East, he had risen to the rank of C.Q.M.S. He had just arranged to come home to train for a commission when on Apr. 19, 1917, he was posted 'missing' at Gaza, and subsequently reported killed in action.

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James Gordon Kennedy
Victoria Rifles NEW IRISH FARM CEMETERY The second son of the late Dr. C. Kennedy, Edin., was born in 1892, and attended G.W.C. 1900-9, where he was an enthusiastic footballer and a member of the O.T.C. Emigrating to Canada, he became a banker, and latterly an apprentice C.A. Joining the 24th Victoria Rifles, he crossed with the 2nd Canadian Contingent, and, going to France in Sept. 1915, saw much severe fighting. He was killed on June 7, 1916

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