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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Ralph Wilfrid Hendry
Royal Scots BOUILLY CROSS ROADS MILITARY CEMETERY The only son of Mr. W. L. Hendry, Edin., was born in 1898, and attended G.W.C. 1904-14. He passed on to the E. of Scot. Agricultural College in 1915, where he distinguished himself in his classes. Enlisting in the R.S., he was drafted to the 8th Bn. in France, and after four months' service was killed instantaneously on July 23, 1918, while working a machine gun in the woods near Epernay.

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Oswald Alexander Herd
D.L.I. GUARDS' CEMETERY, LESBOEUFS The third son of Mr. P. Herd, Kirkcaldy, was born in 1891, and educated at Kirkcaldy High School, whence he came to G.W.C. in 1906. Leaving in 1908, he became a mining engineer, and had by 1914 completed his practical training in the Wemyss Collieries, Fife. Enlisting in the Edin. Bn., R.S., he received a commission in the 14th D.L.I., and was promoted Capt. in July 1916. He was engaged in the fighting round Ypres and on the Somme, and fell in action on Sept. 24, 1916. He was buried in the Guards' Cemetery, Les Boeufs, E.N.E. of Albert.

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Bernard Henry Herford
R.M.L.I. CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL The youngest son of Rev. P. M. Herford, Christ Church, Trinity, Leith, was born in Cheshire in 1886, and was educated at G.W.C. 1892-99, and Fettes College. Proceeding to Edin. Univ., he graduated in 1909 with Hons. in Classics. Taking up teaching as his profession, he was Classical Master successively in Warriston School, Moffat, and Clifton Bank, St. Andrews. A keen athlete, he played in the Fetter XI., and was a member latterly of the Wanderers XV. Gazetted in Sept. 1914 to the R.N.D., he was attached to the Chatham Bn of the R.M.L.I.. With the rank of Lt (Jan 1915), he left for the East, and in reinforcing the Australian Bdes. in their landing on Gallipoli, he was severely wounded on April 28, and died on a hospital ship on May 2, 1915.

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Geoffrey Maurice Ivan Herford
R.M. PORTSMOUTH NAVAL MEMORIAL Born in Cheshire in 1882 he attended GWC from 1889 - 1894 before passing on to Fettes College. Gazetted to the R.M.L.I. he went to the Royal Naval College Greenwich and was attached to the Chatham Division of the R.M.. He got his Captaincy in 1911. He was a good shot and represented the Navy in the services' cricket match at Lords in 1910. He was in command of the Marines on board HMS Monmouth, which was sunk by the Von Spee Squadron off Coronel, Nov 1, 1914.

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David Heron
R.F.A. TILLOY BRITISH CEMETERY, TILLOY-LES-MOFFLAINES The eldest son of Mr. G. M. Heron, Edin., was born in 1895, and, gaining a High School Bursary at Craiglockhart Public School, he came to G.W.C. in 1907. Leaving in 1911, he became an apprentice architect, and was getting on well in his profession when he enlisted as a Driver in the R.F.A., Aug. 1914. He had a long spell of fighting in France, and escaped without injury, but on Apr. 23, 1917, he was killed by shell fire while serving the guns.

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John Rutherford Hill
D.L.I. POTIJZE BURIAL GROUND CEMETERY The eldest son of Mr. J. J. Hill, Locheye, Fearn, Ross-shire, was born at Helmsdale in 1890, and, having received his early education at the local school, came to G.W.C. in 1903, where he took his full share in all School activities. While foremost on the prize-lists, he also shone in athletics, playing back for the XV. in 1907-8, and winning his cap in the 2nd XI. He was a Sgt. in the Cadet Corps and a member of the Shooting VIII. An able debater, he was Secy. of the Literary Club in his last session. At Edin. Univ., whither he went in 1908, he had an equally distinguished career, graduating M.A. in 1911 and LL.B. in 1913. While there he was prominently associated with the E.U.O.T.C., in which he was a Sgt., and various debating societies, and was also Secy. of the Watsonian 1905 Club. He had almost completed his legal apprenticeship when war broke out. Offering his services at once, he was gazetted to the 3rd D.L.I., and, going to France with the 2nd Bn., he was killed near Potijge, Belgium, June 3, 1915.

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Robert Cavers Hogg
London Scottish MAROEUIL BRITISH CEMETERY A son of Mr. A. W. Hogg, Ravensdowne, Wooler, was born at New Cumnock in 1897, and attended G.W.C. 1912-14. He was keenly interested in School athletics, and distinguished himself at swimming and golf. Joining the London Scottish in 1915, he specialised in Machine Gunnery. After a spell of duty in Ireland, he went to France in June 1916, and was pressed to take a commission, but was so interested in his gun and its team, that he preferred to remain in the ranks. He was killed by a trench mortar bomb on Oct. 2, 1916,

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Herbert Tom Allan Honeyman R.A.F. ARRAS FLYING SERVICES MEMORIAL Born in 1892, attended G.W.C. 1903-7. Commissioned as 2/Lt. in the R.S.F., he later was transferred to the R.F.C. On the creation of the R.A.F. he was granted the rank of Lt. He was wounded in July 1916, and died in Dec. 1917.

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Percy Ewen Clunes Honeyman
Royal Scots EDINBURGH (WARRISTON) CREMATORIUM Percy E. C. Honeyman, Lieutenant-Colonel, The Royal Scots, youngest son of the late Mr. T. Honeyman, Factor to Lochiel, was born in Inverness-shire in 1894 and attended Watson's from 1907 to 1910. He played regularly for the Lismore and Watsonian XV's from 1910 to 1914. Enlisting as a private in the 9th Royal Scots in August 1914, he saw service in France and Belgium, and rose to the rank of Captain. He was thrice wounded. Taking a commission in the Regular Army, he saw further service in West Africa and returned to this country to take up an appointment as Assistant Superintendent for Physical Training in the Southern Command at Devon-port. After further service in India he was appointed Staff Officer for Physical Training, Scottish Command, and in 1936 joined the staff at Watson's in succession to the late Mr. T. Y. Anderson. In 1939 he rejoined his regiment and was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. He died at Gogarburn Military Hospital on 17th February 1945. Colonel Honeyman was a keen sportsman himself and an ardent advocate of physical culture.

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James A. Hood
Canadian Infantry ORCHARD DUMP CEMETERY, ARLEUX-EN-GOHELLE A son of Mr. Andrew Hood, Kirkcaldy, was born in 1898, and attended G.W.C. 1907-9. He emigrated to Canada. Joining the 3rd Can. Bn., he crossed to France, and for a time served in the ranks. Later he obtained a commission, and was promoted Lt. He fell in action, May 10, 1917.

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