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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Francis Henry Tower Gray
Intelligence Corps CHIVELSTONE (ST. SYLVESTER) CHURCHYARD The eldest son of the late Rev. W. A. Gray, Elgin, was born in Elgin in 1881, and after attending Elgin Academy, came to G.W.C. in 1896. He passed to Edin. Univ., graduating in 1901 with 1st Class Hons. in Classics. Proceeding to Oxford he had a breakdown in health which debarred him from the I.C.S. He taught in Wigan for a time, and in 1912 became Paris correspondent for the Daily Telegraph. In 1915 he got a commission in the R.A.S.C., and served in Sicily and Salonika, where he was attached to the Serbian Army and was awarded the Order of the White Eagle of Serbia. Transferred with the rank of Capt. to the Intelligence Dept. of the War Office, he met an untimely end by drowning, in an attempt to rescue a friend in danger, at Prawle, S. Devon, July 1918.

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James Stewart Greenhorn
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders JONCOURT BRITISH CEMETERY The youngest son of the late W. Greenhorn, Edin., was born in 1899, and attended G.W.C. 1906-15. He was a member of the O.T.C., and was a drummer in the band. He joined the 14th A. and S. H., but was transferred to the 4th Bn. as being too young for the firing line. He became a L/Cpl. Drummer, and spent some time in Ireland. Drafted to France, he was there six months, and fell in action before Priscelle, north of St. Quentin, Oct. 2, 1918.

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Ruby Isobel Grierson
Civilian SS CITY OF BENARES Ruby Grierson was the daughter of Robert and Jane (nee Anthony) Grierson. She was born on 24 November 1903 in Cambusbarron near Stirling. Her father was a schoolmaster and her mother, a suffragette and Labour Party activist. After attending the University of Glasgow, Ruby worked as an English teacher at George Watson’s Ladies’ College from 1928-36. She changed careers and became a documentary filmmaker. At the outbreak of war, Ruby made films for the Ministry of Food. In 1940, children were being evacuated to Australia, Canada and the USA. The Canadian government engaged Ruby to make a film about children travelling to Canada. The ship, the SS City of Benares on which 90 children and Ruby were amongst the passengers, was hit and sunk by a torpedo on18 September 1940. Ruby was last seen getting into a lifeboat with around twenty children. However, the lifeboat failed to launch properly and was hit by a huge wave, throwing everyone into the sea. Ruby was 36 when she died.

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Ronald Stewart Gunn
Camerons LOOS MEMORIAL The son of Mr. J. L. Gunn, Edin., was born in 1890, and attended G.W.C. 1898-1906. On leaving, he entered the National Bank of Scotland, and later became teller in the Canonmills branch. He enlisted in the 7th Cameron Hrs. in Nov. 1914, was promoted L/Cpl., and fell at Loos, Sept. 25, 1915.

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William Gunn
A.I.F. ETAPLES MILITARY CEMETERY The third son of Mr. J. Gunn, was born at Liberton in 1893. On completing his School curriculum, he emigrated to Australia in 1911 and commenced farming. He joined 51st Bn. A.I.F. as a Pte., and served in Egypt iii 1915. Transferred to France in 1916, he took part in the Somme Offensive, and was mortally wounded. He died on Sept. 1, 1916.

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George Watson Guthrie
R.A.M.C. KNIGHTSBRIDGE CEMETERY, MESNIL-MARTINSART A grandson of the celebrated Dr. Thomas Guthrie, was born in 1877, and entered G.W.C. in 1886. He then studied medicine at Edin. Univ., but his health preventing him adopting a medical career, he went into commerce in Chile. He later became a partner in the firm of Messrs. Milne and Coy., Peru. Coming home on the declaration of hostilities, he was gazetted to the R.A.M.C., and was killed in action at Beaumont Hamel, Nov. 13, 1916.

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John Campbell Haddow
Royal Scots THIEPVAL MEMORIAL The son of Mr. F. Haddow, Edin., was born in 1895, and attended G.W.C. 1903-11. He passed on to the Edin. College of Art, to prepare for joining his father's business as a decorator. He was one of the many Watsonians who joined the 2/9th R.S. when war broke out. He went to France with his Bn. in Feb. 1915, where he was gassed slightly and was under hospital treatment. He had been nominated for a commission, and was daily expected home for training, when he was killed, Aug. 1916.

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John Haggart
M.G.C. MENIN ROAD SOUTH MILITARY CEMETERY A son of Mr. J. Haggart, Edin., was born in 1893, and attended G.W.C. 1904-9. He was a good all-round scholar, and on leaving went into his father's business as a grocer. Enlisting in the M.G.C., he went to France, and on Aug. 24, 1917, was mortally wounded in repulsing a counter-attack on a trench sector recently won. For his gallantry the D.C.M. was subsequently conferred on him.

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John Sutherland Haig
R.A.F. REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY John S. Haig, Flight Lieutenant, Royal Air Force, was the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Haig, 21 Crawford Road, Edinburgh. Born on 16th July 1924, he attended Watson's from 1930 to 1942. Joining the R.A.F. in 1943 he completed his training in Oklahoma, U.S.A., and gained rapid promotion. He was killed in action during the airborne crossing of the Rhine on 24th March 1945.

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Arthur Cuthbert Haldane
Seaforth Highlanders BARD COTTAGE CEMETERY The son of Mr. F. F. Haldane, Colinton, was born at Stirling in 1892, and educated at Merchiston and G.W.C. 1908-10. He was a Sgt. in the O.T.C., and for two years a member of the Shooting VIII. In the 1910 Brock Shield Competition, when G.W.C. won for the first time, he was top scorer for the College. He went to Ceylon as a planter, but his health failing, he came home to recruit. He was given a commission in the 10th Seaforth Hrs., and, going out to France in Aug. 1916, was killed by a sniper while examining the enemy position from an advanced sap.

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