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Name Regiment Buried Biography

John Hunter Gillies
RNR Not Known John H. Gillies, Paymaster Lieutenant-Commander, Royal Naval Reserve, youngest son of the late Dr. Patrick H. Gillies and Mrs. Gillies, Dargo, Connel, Argyllshire, was born on 24th November 1908. During his attendance at school he proved himself an excellent all-round scholar and athlete. He gained his 1st XV colours in 1926-27, his 1st XI colours in 1927, was in the Shooting VIII from 1925 to 1927, and in the O.T.C. was Pipe-Major from 1924 to 1926 and C.Q.M.S. in 1927. Entering St. Andrews University with a scholarship, he intended to study for the ministry but later changed his mind, joined the staff of the Peninsular & Oriental Steamship Company and became chief purser on board S.S. Carthage. At the outbreak of war his ship was converted into a merchant cruiser and taken over by the R.N.R., in which he became Paymaster Lieutenant-Commander. On 2nd March 1945 he was returning from the United States to this country when he died suddenly and was buried at sea.
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Andrew Gillison
A.I.F. EMBARKATION PIER CEMETERY The son of Rev. Mr. Gillison, Baldernock, was born in 1868, and entered G.W.C. 1874. A graduate of Edin. Univ., he studied at New College and was licensed in 1894. His first charge was in Vermont, U.S.A. Returning home, he held various charges in this country, and eventually went to Australia to take up work at Brisbane and Melbourne. Attached as Chaplain to the 14th Australian Bn. in the 2nd A.E.F., he was mortally wounded while succouring the wounded at the Dardanelles. He was twice mentioned in Despatches.

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David Gilmour
R.A.M.C. EDINBURGH (DEAN, OR WESTERN) CEMETERY The youngest son of Mr. J. Gilmour, Edin., was born in 1891, and attended G.W.C. 1896-1908. He studied medicine at Edin. Univ., and had just graduated M.B. Ch.B. when he was laid aside by serious illness. Being in the R.A.M.C. (S.R.) he was called up on the outbreak of war, landed in France by Aug. 13, 1914, and was shortly afterwards promoted Capt. The hardships of the first winter told severely on a physique not over-strong, and he came home twice to recruit. He was finally invalided home in May 1915, and died at Kingussie, Aug. 19, 1916.

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Charles Kemp Glegg
S.R. DUD CORNER CEMETERY, LOOS The third son of the late W. W. Glegg, Edin., was born in 1892, and attended G.W.C. 1900-8, where he annually distinguished himself as a sprinter at the Games. He left to take up dentistry, and during his apprenticeship was a keen Territorial (4th R.S.), distinguishing himself in signalling and bayonet fighting. He rejoined his old Bn. in Aug. 1914, and was a L/Cpl. when in Dec. of that year he was gazetted to the 10th S.R. He was promoted Lt. in Feb. 1915, and Capt. in Sept. of the same year. He came through the winter scatheless, but on May 19, 1916, while superintending the erection of entanglements, he was killed.

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George Crombie Glennie
RNVR PORTSMOUTH NAVAL MEMORIAL George C. Glennie, Surgeon- Lieutenant, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, eldest son of the late Captain G. Glennie, Merchant Navy, was a pupil at Watson's from 1918 to 1927. Graduating M.B., Ch.B. at Edinburgh University in 1933, he took up practice at Chesterfield, where he remained until the outbreak of war. Joining the R.N.V.R. he was reported missing in February 1943, and presumed drowned by enemy action.

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William Knight Good
N. Lancashire TYNE COT MEMORIAL Was born in 1886, and attended G.W.C. 1895-1902. He entered the service of the National Bank of Scotland. Enlisting in the 15th R.S. in Oct. 1914, he was given a commission the following year in the 5th Bn. On a call being made for officers to volunteer for transfer to the 5th Loyal N. Lancashire Regt., he responded, and, crossing to France, was wounded at Trones Wood, Aug. 1916. Returning to the trenches in Dec. 1916, he was killed while in charge of a raiding party, Feb. 26, 1918.

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Arthur Currie Gordon
RACD BLANGY-SUR-BRESLE COMMUNAL CEMETERY Arthur C. Gordon, Captain, Royal Army Chaplains Department, was the only son of the late Rev. Wm. Gordon and Mrs. Gordon, Barrhill, Ayrshire. Born in 1904, he attended Watson's from 1915 to 1920, when he proceeded to Edinburgh University and graduated M.A., B.D. For some time he assisted the Rev. Albert A. Diack, St. Bernard's Church, Edinburgh, and subsequently held charges at Kells Parish Church, Kirkcudbrightshire, and at Foveran Parish Church, Newburgh, Aberdeenshire. He offered his services as a Chaplain in 1939, and was killed in France in June 1940, whilst with the 1st Battalion, The Black Watch.

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Samuel Alexander Bruce Gordon
R.A.F. LYNEHAM (ST. MICHAEL) CHURCHYARD Samuel A. B. Gordon, Flying Officer, Royal Air Force, was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon, 4 Hartington Place, Edinburgh. Born in 19 21, he attended Watson's from 1926 to 1937, when he entered the Post Office Engineering Department. As a Territorial he was called up at the outbreak of war. Transferred to the R.A.F. in May 1941, he was commissioned in November of the same year. He saw service at Gibraltar, Malta and Egypt, and lost his life at his home station in England in 1942.

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Alexander Keith Gorrie
Highland Light Infantry TANCREZ FARM CEMETERY A son of the late G. H. Gorrie, Dalkeith, was a very prominent Watsonian cricketer. Born in 1884, he entered G.W.C. 1894, and was in the Watsonian XI. from 1903-12, acting as Secy. for two seasons with great success. He was also prominently associated with the Watsonian Curling Club, of which he was at one time Secy. and Treasurer. A lawyer by profession, he held a post in Messrs. Dundas and Wilson, W.S. Like so many of his clubmates, he enlisted in the 9th R.S. in Sept. 1914, and served in France. Given a commission in the 11th H.L.I., he returned to the Front, and fell during a fierce bombardment.

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James Wishart Gorrie
Australian Field Artillery ST. SEVER CEMETERY EXTENSION, ROUEN The youngest brother of above, was born in 1888. He attended G.W.C. 1898-1902, and seven years later emigrated to Australia. Joining the Australian Fd. Arty. as a Gnr., in May 1916, he served in France, where he died of pneumonia, Oct. 29, 1918.

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