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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Edwin Harries Sargood Fry
R.G.A. BAGNEUX BRITISH CEMETERY, GEZAINCOURT Born in 1894, and attended G.W.C. 1901-12. He left to become an apprentice engineer at Messrs. Bertram, Sciennes. Joining the R.E. as a Spr., he was promoted Cpl., and was engaged for a time on the Forth Defences. Obtaining a commission in the R.G.A., he went to France in Jan. 1917, was wounded at Vimy Ridge, and the same year gained his captaincy. His majority followed in 1918, and on May 25 he died of wounds received in action.

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John Wilson Fulton
RAC ASSISI WAR CEMETERY John W. Fulton, Lieutenant, Lothians and Border Horse, R.A.C., younger twin son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fulton, Napier House, Colinton Road, Edinburgh, was born on 3rd October 1922. He attended Watson's from 1927 to 1935 and Strathallan School from 1935 to 1940, where he gained his 1st XV and 1st XI Colours. In 1940 he became apprenticed to the firm of Messrs. Chiene & Tait, Chartered Accountants, Edinburgh, and in December 1941 joined the R.A.C. After service in North Africa and Egypt he obtained his commission in October 1943. He died of wounds in Italy on 20th June 1944.

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Andrew Fyall
Canadian Scottish OVES WEST COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION The eldest son of Mr. T. L. Fyall, Edin., was born in 1886, and entered G.W.C. 1896. After a term of service in the iron trade, he went to Canada and took up farming. Joining the Canadian Forces, he crossed with the 2nd Contingent to France in 1915. He was twice wounded in the Somme battle of 1916. Transferring to the 16th Can. Scottish in 1917, he took part in the heroic doings of the regiment at Ypres, Festubert, and Givenchy. On Aug. 17, 1918, he was fatally wounded at Chaulnes, and died in the Canadian C.C.S. the same day.

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William J.R. Gall
R.G.A. AIRE COMMUNAL CEMETERY A native of Edinburgh, was one of the College Staff who fell in the war. A graduate of Edin. Univ., he came to G.W.C. as a Junior Master in 1901, and a few years later was promoted to the Science Dept., where he did excellent work, and won the esteem of his colleagues and pupils alike. Enlisting as an old Volunteer in the R.G.A. as a Gnr., he served in France in the ranks. He was given a commission, and, returning to France in 1918, was mortally wounded on Apr. 18 of that year, and died the next day.

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H. Forsyth Gammie
Camerons att N. Staffordshires BAKU MEMORIAL The youngest son of the late W. F. Gammie, architect, Edin., was born in 1884, and attended G.W.C. 1898-1900. Prior to the war he was an architect in H.M. Office of Works, Edin. He enlisted in the 2/9th R.S. in 1914, and shortly rose to be C.Q.M.S. Early in 1917 he was gazetted to the 3rd Cameron Hrs., and, sailing to India in May, joined the forces in Mesopotamia. He gained his lieutenancy, and, while temporarily attached to the 17th N. Staffordshire Regt., fell in the heroic fight against overwhelming odds at the evacuation of Baku.

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Harald Dennison Garden
M.N. TOWER HILL MEMORIAL Harald D. Garden, 2nd Radio Officer, Merchant Navy, son of the late Mr. Garden and Mrs. Ina Garden, 110 Polwarth Terrace, Edinburgh, was born on 21st March 1923, and entered Watson's from Melville College in 1935. He left in 1941 to attend the Edinburgh Wireless College, and after taking his qualification entered the Merchant Navy in 1942. After service in the Atlantic and with the Russian convoy, he was reported missing on 7th December 1943 and finally presumed lost through enemy action on 6th May 1944.

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John Stewart Gellatly
Royal Scots GWALIA CEMETERY The youngest son of Mrs. Gellatly, Edin., was born in 1893, and attended G.W.C. 1900-9. He joined the 9th R.S. on leaving School, and was mobilised with his Bn. in Aug. 1914. Proceeding to France he was wounded at Ypres in 1915. Obtaining a commission in his Bn., he returned to France in 1916 and was again wounded. Once more returning to the firing line in 1917, he was killed on July 31 of that year.

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Robert Gellatly
Royal Scots ARRAS MEMORIAL Was born in 1886, and entered G.W.C. in 1893. He was an expert gymnast and a footballer of note both at School and after leaving. Enlisting in the L. and B. H. in Nov. 1914, he was gazetted to the 18th R.S. in 1916, and was wounded in Sept. of that year on the Somme. Returning to France in Mar. 1917, he was posted missing on Apr. 23, and was subsequently reported killed at La Bergere farm near Monchy.

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Alexander Gemmell
RE EDINBURGH (GRANGE) CEMETERY Born in 1889, attended G.W.C. 1901-5. After graduating B.Sc. at Edin. Univ., he assisted the Prof. of Chemistry for two years before joining his father, Prof. G. H. Gemmell, as an analytical chemist. He was admitted after Pxaminatiork A.I.C. and three years later F.I.C., and graduated D.Sc. Rejoining the E.U.O.T.C. on the outbreak of war, Capt. Gemmell commanded the Infy. fora year, and was appointed Chief Officer, Command School of Gas Defence, attached R.E. Later on being transferred to London, he was engaged in research work which brought on haemorrhage, and he died on Jan. 3, 1919. He is interred in the Grange Cemetery, Edin. His researches in poison gas, to which his fatal illness was due, resulted in the issue of the improved respirator which saved so many lives in the later stages of the war.

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William J.R. Gemmill
Royal Scots ARRAS MEMORIAL Born in 1877, entered G.W.C. in 1889. He was a prominent E. Lothian agriculturalist and a most public-spirited man. He went through the S. African War with the Lothians and Berwickshire Yeomanry, being awarded the Queen's Medal with four clasps. Joining the 7th V.B.R.S. (now 8th R.S.) as a Lt. in 1904, he went to France in Nov. 1914 with the rank of Major, and was second in command. On the death of his O.C. he took command in May 1915, with the rank of Lt.-Col. He won the D.S.O., was mentioned in Despatches thrice, and was awarded an Italian decoration (Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus). In the German Offensive of Mar. 1918 he put up a great fight, and was killed while reorganising a new line of defence, Apr. 1918.

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