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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Archibald Forrest
Highland Light Infantry WEST CALDER CEMETERY Born in 1892, and attended G.W.C. 1909-12. He abandoned a business career to join the 17th H.L.I., as a Pte., and saw service in France on the Somme in 1916. Having developed dysentery in France in 1917, he died from a complication of this disease in Jan. 1918.

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Bertram Alexander Forrest
Lanarkshire Yeomanry JERUSALEM WAR CEMETERY, Israel Born 1881 attended GWC from 1887 until 1896 when he entered the service of the Royal Bank and by 1911 had risen to be its agent in the Stockbridge branch. A keen sportsman he joined the E.U.O.T.C. in 1916 and after going through various training courses received a commission in the Lanarkshire Yeomanry in 1917. He was sent to Palestine where he fell on December 28, 1917, at Beitania, near Ram Allah, 12 miles N.W. of Jerusalem.

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John Dodds Forrest
R.A.F. Not Known John D. Forrest, Pilot Officer, Royal Air Force, was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Forrest, Hillwood House, Newbridge, Midlothian. Born on 9th August 1913, he entered the senior school at Watson's in 1924. Choosing Accountancy as his career he left in 1929, and whilst serving his apprenticeship attended Edinburgh University, where he won distinction for himself as a boxer. Later he entered the Civil Service as an Accountant, and joined the R.A.F. at the outbreak of war. He was killed in action after a raid on Kiel on 25th June 1941.
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David Marshall Forrester
Cameronians RANGOON MEMORIAL David M. Forrester, Captain, The Cameronians, attached to Indian Army, was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Forrester, Muirkirk, Ayrshire. Born on 21st January 1919 he entered Watson's from Lanark High School in 1927, and during his ten years' attendance at school proved a first-rate all-rounder, playing for the 1st XV, 1st XI Hockey, and 1st XI Cricket as well as captaining the Tennis VIII. Choosing the Ministry as his profession, he entered the Faculty of Arts, Edinburgh University, in 1937, but on the Outbreak of war enlisted and gained rapid promotion in The Cameronians. On 17th March 1943 he was posted as "missing believed killed in action" on the Arakan coast of Burma.

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James David Forrester
R.N.D. HAMEL MILITARY CEMETERY, BEAUMONT-HAMEL The eldest son of ex-Provost Forrester, Peebles, was born in Kirkcaldy in 1888, and, after being educated at Peebles High School, attended G.W.C. 1903-7. He went to Edin. Univ. to study medicine, and, graduating in 1912, went on a voyage to the East, returning to do hospital work in Rochdale and Halifax. He immediately volunteered for service, and, crossing to France in Aug. 1915, he was attached to the advanced dressing-station of the R.N.D. in the Somme battle. There, in the heroic performance of his duty, he was buried by shell fire, and only survived half an hour after being dug out, Nov. 13, 1916.

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Herbert James Forster
Royal Scots POZIERES MEMORIAL Was born at Bangalore, India, in 1898 and attended G.W.C. 1907-15. During his last two years at School, he was a member of the O.T.C. He became a dental student. Enlisting as a Pte. in the S.R. in 1917,he was transferred almost immediately to the 11th R.S., and served for two years in France. He was killed on Mar. 22, 1918, at Gauche Wood, Hendicourt, near Gouzeaucourt.

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Rutherford Lamond Fortune
Royal Scots ERQUINGHEM-LYS CHURCHYARD EXTENSION Was born in 1896, and attended G.W.C. 1904-13. He was apprenticed with Messrs. Redpath, Brown and Coy., engineers, when war broke out. Enlisting as a Pte, in the 2/9th R.S. in Mar. 1915, he was gazetted in July to the 17th Bn., and crossed to France in July 1916. He was fatally wounded, and died shortly after reaching the dressing-station, Jan. 15, 1917. He is interred at Erquinghem.

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John Clark Fotheringham
Black Watch FLORENCE WAR CEMETERY John Fotheringham, Captain, The Black Watch, was the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fotheringham, Wester Lochies, Burntisland. Born in 1919, he was a pupil at Watson's from 1931 to 1935 when he joined the staff of The National Bank of Scotland, Ltd. In 1939 he attained his Banking Institute Membership with Distinction and, volunteering for service in January 1940, was commissioned in The Black Watch in 1941. After service at Gibraltar he returned to this country and was drafted in March 1944 to Italy, where he was killed in action on 3oth July 1944 at the age of twenty-four. He was a keen rugby player and golfer.

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Herbert Heron Fraser
Seaforth Highlanders ETAPLES MILITARY CEMETERY The fourth son of the late Rev. J. Fraser, was born at Dalkeith in 1883. He was a pupil at G.W.C. from 1890-1900. Adopting the law as his career he became a solicitor and practised at Paisley till 1916 when he joined the Seaforth Hrs. as a Pte. Promoted Cpl. in 1917, he was gazetted to the 3rd Seaforth Hrs., and soon after attached to the 8th Bn. Proceeding with his regiment to France, he was wounded at Iberian Farm near Ypres, and died on Oct. 18, 1917, at the Military Hospital Donnes Carriers.

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Malcolm Goulding Fraser
S.R. THIEPVAL MEMORIAL A son of Mr. H. Fraser, Glasgow and Valparaiso, Chile, was born in 1896 at Watertown, N.Y., U.S.A. He was educated at Valparaiso and Lausanne, and came to G.W.C. in 1913. He proved an industrious and brilliant scholar, and won a bursary at Edin. Univ. in 1915. Gazetted in Aug. 1915 to the S.R., he went to France in May 1916. He was sent on a most difficult reconnaissance, and as a result was able to send back a report to the General Staff which saved the lives of hundreds of men. He was unhappily shot by a sniper as he was returning, July 1916.

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