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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Christian Dalrymple Hamilton Dunlop
King's Liverpool Regiment Son of Captain Hamilton Dunlop, R.N, was born in Southsea, Hants, in 1880. He attended GWC 1889-1893; and then Winchester College 1894-1897; He went into business with shipowners in Leith then Turner and Morris, Calcutta before working in Liverpool Stock Exchange. Was Secretary, Liverpool Rugby Football Club; Mounted Company Queen’s Edinburgh Volunteers (Royal Scots). Enlisted in Scottish Battalion King’s Liverpool Regiment, 1914; 2nd Lt. 1914; He was killed in action whilst leading an attack on enemy trenches near Bellewaarde Farm, Hooge, 16 June 1915.

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Robert Duncan Dunlop
R.A.F. CHOLOY WAR CEMETERY Robert D. Dunlop, Flying Officer, Royal Air Force, only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dunlop, 17 Greenbank Loan, Edinburgh, was born on 15th August 1921 and attended Watson's from 1926 to 1938. On leaving school he entered the office of the Public Assistance Department, Edinburgh Corporation, attended Edinburgh University with a view to taking the B.Com. degree, and served in the University Air Squadron. Joining the R.A.F., he completed his training in Canada and obtained his commission as an air-bomber. He was killed when his plane crashed in France after a raid over Germany in January 1945.

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David Dunn
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders ABBEVILLE COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION Born at Edinburgh, 1895, was the only son of Mr. Jas. A. Dunn. After leaving School he chose a commercial career, which he sacrificed as soon as war was declared. He enlisted in Sept. 1914 in the Scots Greys, was transferred to 10th A. and S. H. as a Pte., served in France from Sept. 1915 to May 1917, and took part in the fighting at Festubert, Loos, Ypres, Armentieres, 1st and 2nd Somme, Vimy Ridge, and Arras. He was wounded on May 5, 1917, and died three days later in hospital at Abbeville.

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Willoughby A. Dunne
B.C. Horse EDINBURGH (WARRISTON) CEMETERY Born in 1877 and entered G.W.C. in 1886. On leaving he took up civil engineering, and on the completion of his apprenticeship held an important post locally. A keen Volunteer, he was for several years in the Cyclist Corps of the Q.E.R.V.B. In 1906 he emigrated to Canada, and, entering the lumber trade, became associated with a large trading venture at Port Moody, B.C. Enlisting in the B.C. Horse, he crossed with the 1st Canadian Contingent, was sent to Flanders in Feb. 1915, and two months later was severely wounded at Hill 60. After nearly a year's suffering he died in Craigleith Military Hospital Apr. 7, 1916.

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Ronald F. Easterbrook
Inland Water Transport (R.E.) Not Known A member of a well-known Watsonian family, was born in 1870, and attended G.W.C. 1879-80. He proceeded to Dulwich College, where he got his cap both in the XV. and the XI. Prior to the war he had resided for a few years in Canada. He tried repeatedly to enter the Army, but was rejected. At last he was accepted for the I.W.T. (R.E.), because of his mechanical skill, and attained the rank of Cpl. Sent to Mesopotamia he experienced to the full the hardships of campaigning there, and he died of pyrexia two days after reaching Bombay on his way home. He was buried in the Church of England Cemetery there.

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Walter Yardley Eccott R.A.M.C. Not Known Walter Y. Eccott, Major, Royal Army Medical Corps, son of the late Mr. W. J. Eccott, B.A., Surveyor of Taxes and County Assessor, was born on 3rd September 1896 and was a pupil at Watson's from 1908 to 1913, when he entered Edinburgh University to commence his medical studies. During the first world war he attained the rank of Captain in The Royal Scots, and, resuming his studies, graduated M.B., Ch.B. at Edinburgh University in 1918. He died at Bournemouth on 2nd July 1940.
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Allan Knowles Edgar
R.A.F. DURNBACH WAR CEMETERY Allan K. Edgar, Sergeant Air-gunner, Royal Air Force, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edgar, Buenos Aires, was at Watson's from 1934 to 1939. He returned to South America to enter his father's business, but within a few months was back in this country to enlist, after a disastrous voyage in which he was torpedoed. As Sergeant Air-gunner, he took part in many raids over Germany, and was reported killed in action over Mannheim on 17th April 1943, at the age of twenty-two.

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Arthur Biot Edmonston
Canadian Infantry Not Known The son of Mrs. Edmonston, Grassendale, Lancs., was born in 1880, and attended G.W.C. 1890-97. He was a noted athlete, and figured prominently in the Games prize-list. He went into a law office on leaving School, but in a short time emigrated to Canada, where he took up farming. He served in the S.A. Constabulary during the Boer War, gaining the S. African Medal and clasps. Returning again to Canada, he was engaged in farming when war once more called him. Enlisting in the 5th Bn. Canadian Infy., he crossed with the 1st Contingent, and fell in the battle of Festubert, May 24, 1915.

Edward J. Elliot
R.A.M.C. LONGUENESSE (ST. OMER) SOUVENIR CEMETERY Born in 1881, attended G.W.C. 1891-99, when he proceeded to study medicine at Edin. Univ. Having graduated M.B. Ch.B. in 1904, he obtained a commission in the R.A.M.C. in 1906, and was promoted Capt. four years later. In 1914 he was in command of No. 10 Stationary Hospital, France, and held the rank of Major. He was mentioned in Despatches in 1916. On May 23, 1918, he was killed at St. Omer.

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James Brown Elliot
Royal Scots JERUSALEM WAR CEMETERY, Israel Younger son of Mr. J. Elliot, Edin., was born in 1895, and attended G.W.C. 1902-12. He played for Cockburn House XV. 1911-12. On leaving School he joined the staff of the Commercial Bank of Scotland, and in the following year joined the Bankers' Coy., 4th R.S. Mobilised as a Pte. in Aug. 1914, he went through the Gallipoli campaign. Promoted Cpl. in 1916, he served in Egypt, Sinai, and Palestine. In Aug. 1917 he was gazetted to the 4th R.S. and attached to the 1/7th S.R. in Palestine. After coming through the severe fighting which preceded the capture of Jerusalem, he fell in action at Nebi Samwil - the ancient Mizpeh - Nov. 22, 1917.

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