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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Harry P. Dippie
Gordon Highlanders DELVILLE WOOD CEMETERY, LONGUEVAL The younger son of Mr. J. Dippie, Edin., was born in 1890, and attended G.W.C. 1899-1906. He went into business, and was latterly the representative of a Glasgow firm. A keen footballer, he for several years figured in the Clydesdale XV. As a Pte. in the Glasgow Hrs., he was mobilised in 1914, and went overseas on the outbreak of war. He received a commission in the 11th Gordon Hrs., and was killed in action at Delville Wood, July 18, 1916.

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George Fraser Dobie
Royal Scots Not Known The elder son of Mr. W. Fraser Dobie, Liberton, was born in Edin. in 1883, and entd. G.W.C. 1891. He was associated with his father in business in Edin., as a decorator. Gazetted to the 15th R.S. in 1914, he was promoted Lt. in Oct. 1915, and Capt. in July 1916. After the battle of the Somme in July 1916, he was invalided home, and served at H.Q., Forth Garrison, supervising camouflage on Coast Defences. In 1918 he was appointed Camouflage Offr., G.H.Q., Irish Command. He died from illness contracted on service Dec. 5, 1919.

William Findlay Robertson Dobie
Gordon Highlanders IRISH HOUSE CEMETERY Born in 1887, entered G.W.C. in 1897. He was the son of Dr. D. Robertson Dobie. He served in France during 1914 as Lt. in the Gordon Hrs., and was mentioned in Despatches. Reported missing on Dec. 14, 1914, he was later presumed killed in action.

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James Doig
Royal Scots ROCLINCOURT VALLEY CEMETERY The only son of the late D. Doig, Leith, was born in 1894, and attended G.W.C. 1901-10. He served his apprenticeship as an engineer with a Leith firm, and developed into a fine cricketer and bowler, being associated with the Leith Franklin XI. In 1914 he enlisted in the 9th R.S., went to France in Feb. 1915 as a Sgt., and was killed by a sniper in Apr. 1917.

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Alexander Duff Brownlee Don
R.E. GUARDS' CEMETERY, LESBOEUFS Was born in 1892, and attended G.W.C. 1907-8. He joined the Cadet Corps at inauguration, and rose to the rank of Sgt. Proceeding to Edin. Univ., he graduated B.Sc. in 1912. Previously trained in the Engineer unit of the E.U.O.T.C., he received a commission in the R.E. in Sept. 1914, and was promoted Lt. in July 1915. After over a year's active service in France, he fell at Les Boeufs, Oct. 22, 1916.

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Fred A. Don
Aden Field Force MAALA CEMETERY A native of Edin., was born in 1878, and entered G.W.C. in 1888. In 1899 he was gazetted to the Northamptonshire Regt., and served in S. Africa in 1900, receiving the Queen's Medal. Appointed to the 77th Moplah Rifles in the I.A. in 1903, he was transferred to the Supply and Transport Corps in 1905. In North China he was Adj.-General from 1912-15, and on the outbreak of war took part in the capture of Tsingtao. Returning to India, he raised a Camel Corps. With the rank of Temp. Lt.-Col., he was sent to Aden in 1916 to become A.D. of S. and T. of the Field Force, and died there of enteric fever.

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Archie Donaldson Royal Scots HELLES MEMORIAL The younger son of Mr. R. C. Donaldson, Edin., was born in 1887. After three years at G.W.C. 1901-4, he studied law, and on passing the Final Examination settled in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, in 1911. Formerly a Territorial, he rejoined the 4th R.S. on Aug. 4, 1914. Proceeding with his Bn. to Gallipoli, he was killed in action there, July 12, 1915.

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John Braes Dougal
Royal Scots THIEPVAL MEMORIAL The younger son of Mr. W. Dougal, J.P., Linlithgow, was born in 1891, and received his early education at Linlithgow Academy. He attended G.W.C. 1900-6, and on leaving entered the firm of Messrs. A. Dougal and Sons, brick manufacturers, Winchburgh. Enlisting in 1915 in the R.E. as a Despatch Rider, he received a commission in Apr. 1916 in the 15th R.S. He was for some time Bombing Officer of the Bn., and on going to France was attached to a Trench Mortar Bty. He was killed in action, July 1, 1916, near La Boiselle.

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Charles Cameron Douglas
Infantry Brigade LOUEZ MILITARY CEMETERY, DUISANS A son of the late J. Douglas, timber merchant, Edin., was born in 1884, and attended G.W.C.1893-1900. After serving with the Scottish Alliance Insurance Coy., he became assistant factor on the Coltness Estate near Wishaw. Eventually he became chief factor on Lord Rosebery's estate at Mentmore, where he remained till 1914. He joined the Cameron Hrs. as 2/Lt. in 1915, was promoted Lt in Aug. of that year, and was Bde. Bombing Officer, 154th Inf. Bde., 51st Div., till 1916. He died of wounds caused by the accidental bursting of a rifle grenade, May 25, 1916.

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R. Ross Douglas
K.O.S.B. LIJSSENTHOEK MILITARY CEMETERY A son of Dr. Douglas, Nagpur Mission, India, was born in 1891. He was a pupil of G.W.C. 1903-9, and played for the School XV. 1908-9. In 1913 he graduated in Arts at Edin. Univ. A member of the Territorial Force, he was mobilised with the 5th R.S., and served through the Gallipoli campaign. Gazetted to the K.O.S.B., he was promoted Lt. in Aug. 1916. He died of wounds on Aug. 30, 1917.

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