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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Cameron Dundas Carnegie
RACD LA DELIVRANDE WAR CEMETERY, DOUVRES Cameron D. Carnegie, Chaplain to the Forces, son of the late Mr. John C. Carnegie and Mrs. Carnegie, 135 Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, attended Watson's from 1927 to 1934. After graduating M.A. at Edinburgh University in 1939, he studied at New College, and acted as student-assistant in St. George's Parish Church, where he later became Assistant. On the outbreak of war he was eager to enlist as a combatant, but was persuaded to finish his Divinity course with a view to a Chaplaincy. He was accidentally killed on active service in Normandy in July 1944.

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David Stuart Carnegie
R.A.F. SAGE WAR CEMETERY D. Stuart Carnegie, Pilot Officer, Royal Air Force, son of Mr. William Carnegie, Auctioneer, Haddington, was born on 14th June 1907. Leaving school in 1924, he entered the service of The National Bank of Scotland, Ltd., and in 1929 joined the Anglo-South American Bank in Coquimbo, Chile. Entering the R.A.F. in 1940, he received his commission and was posted to the 61st Squadron. He was killed at Wilhelmshaven, Germany, soon after, on l0th July 1940.

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John Cattanach
Royal Army Medical Corps HELLES MEMORIAL The younger son of William and Ann Cattanach, born 2nd February 1885 at Newtonmore, Kingussie. GWC 1902-3 Univ. of Edin., Arts and Medicine, 1903-12; M.A. 1907; M.B., Ch.B. 1912. Australasian Cup. Represented Scotland Hockey and Athletics (Long Jump) Renowned Shinty player. R.A.M.C., attached to the Warwickshire Regiment, promoted to Lieut. September 1914. Dardanelles. Died of wounds July 27th 1915

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Peter James Cheyne
Royal Scots SAI WAN WAR CEMETERY Peter J. Cheyne, Private, The Royal Scots, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cheyne, 31 Midmar Gardens, Edinburgh. He attended Watson's from 1927 to 1937, and had commenced his study of Law at Edinburgh University when he joined The Royal Scots in 1939. After three months' service he was drafted to Hong-Kong, where on Christmas Day 1941 he was taken prisoner by the Japanese. He fell a victim to diphtheria after eighteen months in a Prisoner of War camp in Hong-Kong.

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William Turner Chisholm
London Regiment AUBIGNY COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION After attending G.W.C. 1893-1901, entered the service of Messrs. A. Cowan and Sons, Ltd., papermakers, and became their representative in India and the Far East. Returning in 1915, he enlisted in the London Scottish, was promoted Cpl. and gained a commission in the 23rd Bn. London Regt. He saw service in France, and on Sept. 1, 1916, while in rest-billets at Aubigny, was mortally wounded as he was looking after the safety of his men under long range fire. He was the son of Mr. D. Chisholm, Edin., and was born in 1886.

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Dugald Roderick Christie
RFA BASRA MEMORIAL The third son of Dr. Dugald Christie, C.M.G., the famous Manchurian missionary, was born at Moukden in 1897, and was a pupil at G.W.C. 1906-15. He was a keen athlete, and in season 1914-15 was a shining light in the three-quarter line of the School XV. Gazetted to the R.F.A., in Apr. 1915, he crossed to France and fought at Loos in Sept. Later he was transferred to Mesopotamia, where he was instantaneously killed on Feb. 24, 1916.

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William Blair Christie
R.A.F. KIRKCALDY (HAYFIELD) CEMETERY William B. Christie, Pilot Officer, Royal Air Force, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Christie, Dalblair, Kirkcaldy, was born on 7th August 1914. He received his early education at Kirkcaldy High School and entered Watson's in 1929. Leaving in 1932, he proceeded to Edinburgh University, where he graduated M.A. with Honours in History. Later he took the degree of Bachelor of Education at Glasgow University. Joining the R.A.F., he was granted his commission the day before his death on 30th July 1941.

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William Edward Tolfrey Christie R.A.S.C. CAPE TOWN (MAITLAND) CEMETERY Born in Dublin, 1877, came of a long line of distinguished soldiers. He was educated at G.W.C. On leaving School he joined the R.M.L.I. as 2/Lt. in 1896. He was transferred to the R.A.S.C. as Capt. in 1902, reached the rank of Major on Aug. 5,1914, and Bt. Lt.-Col. on Jan. 1, 1916. For his services in France and East Africa he was awarded the D.S.O. and O.B.E. and was mentioned six times in Despatches. He died from pneumonia at Capetown on Oct. 22, 1918, at the early age of 40.

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Charles Inglis Clark
Army Service Corps BAGHDAD (NORTH GATE) WAR CEMETERY The only son of Dr. Inglis Clark, Edin., was born in 1889 and entered G.W.C. in 1896. He passed to Edin. Univ., and graduated B.Sc. with Hons. Even as a schoolboy he was an intrepid mountaineer, and he later developed a love of yachting and of music. A member of the E.U.O.T.C. (Arty.) when war broke out, his knowledge of French roads won him a commission in the R.A.S.C., and by Sept. 1914 he was in the fighting line. He was wounded at Givenchy, but returned to France, where he soon got his Captaincy. He was then recalled to assist his father on important munition work in Edinburgh, and later served on the technical staff of the R.A.F. In 1917 he was sent to Mesopotamia, where he had many perilous adventures and accomplished much. On Mar. 6, 1918, he died of wounds. and is buried in Baghdad, close to his Commander-in-Chief, General Maude.

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George Mackay Clark
Royal Scots JERUSALEM MEMORIAL The only son of Mr. J. B. Clark, Headmaster, George Heriot's School, Edin., was born in 1895, and entered G.W.C. 1902. He took a prominent part in the School activities, being a member of the Ogilvie and 2nd XVs., and attaining the rank of Sgt. in the O.T.C. Relinquishing the study of medicine in Aug. 1914, he was given a commission as Lt. in the 4th R.S., and in June 1915, having by then been promoted Capt., he went to the East. He was invalided home the same year, but returning to Egypt the following Feb., he took part in the campaign which freed Palestine from the Turk. He was killed at Burkap Nov. 12, 1917, while pushing on with his Bn. to secure the fruits of victory.

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