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Name Regiment Buried Biography

David Lyon Scott Cameron
R.A.F. RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL David L. S. Cameron, Flying Officer, Royal Air Force, only son of the Rev. Allan Cameron, Ex-Principal of the Scottish Church College, Calcutta, and Mrs. Cameron, Forgandenny, Perthshire, was born on 20th January 1921 and attended Watson's from 1929 to 1939, when he entered the Edinburgh College of Art School of Architecture. Joining the R.A.F. in 1941, he trained in Alberta and Ontario before returning to Britain as a Flight Sergeant in April 1943. Promoted to the rank of Pilot Officer and subsequently Flying Officer, he was attached to Coastal Command Beaufighters. He was killed in action on 25th September 1944 during an attack on enemy shipping off the coast of Holland.

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James Alistair Gordon Cameron
Camerons BECOURT MILITARY CEMETERY, BECORDEL-BECOURT The eldest son of Mr. A. Cameron, Eastern Extension Telegraph Coy., was born at Penang in 1897 and studied at G.W.C. 1908-15. He was an enthusiastic Cadet, rising to the rank of Cadet-Lt. in the College O.T.C., a crack shot, and a fine athlete and footballer. Gazetted to the 1st Cameron Hrs. in July 1915, he served in France, and fell in action at Becourt Chateau on Nov. 18, 1916

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James Ritchie Cameron
Royal Scots (att Lancashire Fusiliers) POZIERES MEMORIAL The elder son of the late J. M. Cameron, Edin., was born in 1888, and entered G.W.C. 1894, where he distinguished himself in English and Classics. Entering the Civil Service, he was, at the outbreak of war, an assistant supervisor in the National Health Insurance Commission. Joining the 9th R.S., he was sent to France in Feb. 1915, but, being granted a commission, he was attached latterly to the Lancashire Fus., and attained the rank of Capt. He was killed in action on Mar. 21, 1918.

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Robert Cameron
Camerons CROMARTY CEMETERY Was born in 1891, and attended G.W.C. 1896-98. He was for some years in business at Granton, and was latterly on the staff of the Prudential Life Assurance Coy. Joining the Cameron Hrs. on Nov. 1, 1916, he was sent to Nigg for training. There he developed cerebral spinal meningitis, and died on Nov. 28, leaving a widow and six children

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William Matheson Cameron
8th Infantry (Transvaal Scottish) TREKKOPJE CEMETERY A son of Mr. D. Cameron, Balblair, Edderton, was born at Thurso in 1879, and educated at Tain Academy and G.W.C. Entering the service of the Commercial Bank of Scotland, he was in Glasgow when the S. African War broke out. Volunteering for service, he was appointed Lt. in the Imperial Yeomanry, and on conclusion of hostilities settled near Pretoria, eventually becoming Secy. of the Angelo Section of the East Rand Mining Coy. He was an expert tennis player, and held the Singles Championship of the East Rand Club for several years. Enlisting as a Pte, in the late war, he was speedily promoted Lt., and fell in action at Trekkopjes, German S.W. Africa.

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Alexander Colin Campbell
R.A.F. MALTA (CAPUCCINI) NAVAL CEMETERY A. Colin Campbell,. Leading Aircraftman, Royal Air Force, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, Rowanbank, Newhaven Road, Leith. Born in 1920, he attended Watson's from 1933 to 1937, when he entered the Head Office of the Associated Lothian Coal Owners, Ltd. He was serving in the wireless section of the R.A.F, when he met his death in an enemy air-raid on Malta on 24th March 1942.

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Donald Campbell
R.A.M.C. (att East Yorks Regt) YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL A native of Blair-Athole, was born in 1887, and attended G.W.C. 1904-6. He graduated M.A. 1909 and M.B. Ch.B. 1913, and gained the Macdougal Bursary and a Vans Dunlop Scholarship. During his University career he was associated with the E.U.O.T.C. and the Musical Society. In 1914, being then House Surgeon at Sheffield Royal Hospital, he was gazetted Lt. in the R.A.M.C., attd. to the 2nd East Yorks. Regt., and was killed in Flanders, Feb. 17, 1915, while going to help a wounded man.

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William Campbell
Royal Scots ESSEX FARM CEMETERY The only son of Mr. Bruce Campbell, Edin., was born in 1895, and attended G.W.C. 1910-12. At School he was a member of the O.T.C., and a golfer of repute. He entered the office of the Scottish Widows' Fund with the intention of qualifying as an actuary, and had made considerable progress in his studies, when, as a Pte. in the 9th R.S., he was mobilised with his Bn. in Aug. 1914. He had attained the rank of L/Cpl. when he was given a commission in the Bn. Crossing to France early in 1916, he was thrice wounded, and was awarded the M.C. for gallantry in the attack on Roeux, Apr. 23, 1917. He fell in action on July 13, 1917, on the banks of the Yser Canal, and is interred in the Military Cemetery at Essex Farm, Boesinghe, N.E. Ypres.

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Duncan Campbell Cargill
Seaforth Highlanders ST. SOUPLET BRITISH CEMETERY Was educated at Viewpark, G.W.C., and Edin. Academy. On leaving School he became a law apprentice. In Feb. 1916 he joined the Seaforth Hrs. as a Pte., and went to France in the following Aug. He obtained his 2nd Lieutenancy in July of the following year, and won the M.C. in Oct. 1918 for conspicuous gallantry in an attack near Eterpigny. After a successful attack on the village of Preseau he was killed by a bursting shell, Nov. 2, 1918.

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Francis Guy Carleton
Canadian Infantry SASKATOON (WOODLAWN) CEMETERY The son of Mr. H. Carleton, Edin., was born in 1894, and attended G.W.C. 1908-10. After serving a year in the Commercial Bank of Scotland, he emigrated to Canada. He volunteered for service, and, joining the 46th Bn. Canadian Infy., crossed to France. He had seen nine months' service in the line when an attack of trench fever necessitated his being invalided back to Canada. A renewed attack proved too much for his enfeebled constitution, and he died in hospital at Saskatoon on Dec. 11, 1917.

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