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Name Regiment Buried Biography

Vincent Connell Bruce
Gordon Highlanders ARRAS MEMORIAL A son of Dr. A. Bruce, was born in 1888, and attended G.W.C. 1902-5. After graduating B.A. (Oxon.), he studied law at Edin. Univ., obtaining the degree of LL.B. in 1913. He served in E.U.O.T.C. (Infy.) 1911-14. In Sept. 1914 he enlisted as a Pte. in the 15th R.S., but later he was gazetted to 1/5th Gordon Hrs., in which unit he was promoted Lt. After a period of service in France, he was killed at Neuville Saint Vaast, Mar. 26, 1916.

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Tom Edwards Brydon
RE AMARA WAR CEMETERY A nephew of Sir Henry Ballantyne, was born at Peebles in 1888. He was educated first at Peebles High School and entered G.W.C. in 1901. After serving his apprenticeship in the engineer's office, N.B.R., he for a time acted as assistant engineer for the Company. In 1913 he was appointed to an important post on the Uganda Rly. Coming home on leave, he was at last allowed by the Colonial Office to take a commission in the R.E. Early in 1916, he conducted a draft to Mesopotamia, where he died of wounds received in action near Kut, Feb. 1, 1917.

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Robert Bryson
Camerons LONGUENESSE (ST. OMER) SOUVENIR CEMETERY A son of Mr. Robert Bryson, Edin., was born in 1892 and attended G.W.C. 1900-8. After gaining farming experience in Scotland and Canada, he took a lease of the farm of Corsbie, Berwickshire, in 1913. Joining the 1st Cameron Hrs. as a Pte., he was severely wounded on Sept. 25, 1915, and died at St. Omer, Oct. 5, 1915. He was a keen footballer and Captain of Earlston R.F.C.

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Leslie A. Buchan
RFC ABBEVILLE COMMUNAL CEMETERY The son of Mr. S. Milne Buchan, Portobello, was born in 1894, and was educated successively at G.W.C., St. Mary's (Melrose), and Edin. Academy. He enlisted as a trooper in the L. and B. H. in 1912, and was mobilised in Aug. 1914. In Oct. he was commissioned to the R.F.A. Later he qualified as an observer in the R.F.C. He went to France in Oct. 1915, and was mortally wounded on July 10, 1916, while returning from an observation flight during the Somme Offensive.

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John Henry Budge
Seaforth Highlanders TARBAT PARISH CHURCHYARD The eldest son of the late J. Budge, W.S., Wemyss, Fife, was born in 1881. Leaving G.W.C. in 1896, he spent two years at Heriot-Watt College. Later, when farming extensively in Ross-shire and Sutherland, he identified himself with public work, rendered useful service on various boards, and was appointed J.P. He joined the 4th Seaforth Hrs. (T.F.), and was gazetted Lt. in 1913. On the outbreak of war he volunteered for active service and was granted a Captaincy in the 4th Seaforth Hrs. After a short period of service in France, he fell mortally wounded at Neuve Chapelle, Mar. 11, 1915, and died three days later at Boulogne.

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Robert Allan Budgett
R.A.F. CHOLOY WAR CEMETERY Robert A. Budgett, Flight Sergeant, Royal Air Force, second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Budgett, 63 Pentland Terrace, Edinburgh, was born on 3oth January 1922 and entered Watson's from Leeds Grammar School in 19 31. Leaving in 19 3 9, he became apprenticed to the firm of Messrs. Graham, Smart & Annan, Chartered Accountants, Edinburgh. He joined the R.A.F. and was captain of a Wellington Bomber on his twenty-fourth operational flight from his base in Italy, when he was killed in action.

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Reginald Graham Burge
RE ENFIDAVILLE WAR CEMETERY Reginald G. Burge, Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burge, 13 Findhorn Place, Edinburgh, was born on 10th November 1919, and attended Watson's from 1925 to 1936. He took part in many activities at school and was a fine swimmer and scout. On leaving school he became apprenticed to the firm of Messrs. J. R. Mackay, Architects, Manor Place, Edinburgh, and studied at the Edinburgh College of Art. He was killed in action in the Middle East in May 1943 at the age of twenty-three.

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Andrew Burnie
R.A.F. RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL Andrew Burnie, Pilot Officer, Royal Air Force, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Burnie, 51 Thirlestane Road, Edinburgh. Born on 29th August 1913 he entered Watson's from James Gillespie's School in 1927. On leaving school in 1930 he joined the staff of the National Bank of Scotland, and in 1935 received an appointment with the Bank of London and South America in Asuncion, Paraguay. He returned to this country to join the R.A.F., and was commissioned Pilot Officer in November 1941. On 31st March 1942 his 'plane, a Blenheim bomber, failed to return from an exercise over the North Sea.

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Joseph Dobson Burns
RGA EBBLINGHEM MILITARY CEMETERY Captain, Chaplain, H.M. Forces, was the eldest son of Mr. Joseph Burns, Edin. Born in 1888, he was educated at Newington Academy and G.W.C., which he entered in 1895. After being in business for a few years he studied for the ministry, and held pastorates in Burton Joyce and Newark. This latter charge he resigned on his appointment to a Chaplaincy in July 1917. He was attd. to the 12th Bde., R.G.A., and was stationed near Kemmel. On June 7, 1918, he was wounded in the head while returning from visiting an advanced dressing-station, and died a few hours later.

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William Ramsay Burt
N.Z. Infantry TROIS ARBRES CEMETERY, STEENWERCK Born in 1892, entered G.W.C. in 1907 and left in 1908. He emigrated to New Zealand, where he joined the N.Z. Infy. as a Pte. He fell in action in July 1917.

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